for the past months: obsessed with researching for different travel plans.
for the past weeks: searching for the truth about the so-called 'quarter life crisis'.
for the past days: excited to take fabulous photos. (yay!!)
certain things strike you when you're in a certain mood..

thank you to this travel book called beaches for the quotes and to maryann for the image.
good thoughts to ponder with huh...
anyway, i think to "travel" means to experience life to the fullest. to explore not just places but also possibilities as well as relationships...meeting as many people as possible, touching their lives and living away from your comfort zone...that's what will make our lives fulfilled...if all will "travel" literally and figuratively, then the world will be a better place...and all will be fulfilled travelers...
hi bianca...
i am glad your back on the blogging scene! :D
i am a fan!
wala na bang blog? kasi di ko n napapnuod ang reply sa umaga eh!
travel. :)
sinabi na ni ice mga bagay na gusto ko sabihin e. hehe.
travel-be open to new opputinities, and make history in things that you do, for sure, you'd be travelling far. :)
ive been bitten by the travel bug as well. im gonna be in singapore to study and hopefully travel across southeast asia.
i'm watching your show on TFC as i type this. haha.
i feel the same way, biancs!
hello ms. bianca..super avid fan nyo po ako in a major way..!! sobrang marami akong natutunan from u and tlagang naiinspire nyo po ako sa maraming bagay..
anyway,ako din gs2 ko mapuntuhan ung mg magagandang places d2 sa pilipinas kaya wlang budget eh..hehe..d ko pa afford,kelangan ko muna mkpagtapos s pg-aaral then work pra mkaipon and mapuntuhan na ung mga gs2 kong puntahan..hindi lng d2 sa pilipinas kundi sa ibang bansa rin gaya ng new zealand..sobrang gs2 kong mkapunta dun..sana bfore ako mwala sa mundo eh mangyari lahat un and sana mkita ko po kau in person..
by the way ms bianca..sheila po name ko..ung gs2 mkapunta ng new zealand..tga gensan po ako..mbasa nyo lng po message ko, sobrang ok na po sa akin un..thnx po sa pagiging isang mbuting modelo sa aming mga kabataan..thnx po uli..
hello po. Ask ko lang po where I can reach/contact you. I need to ask permission about something regarding your blog.
Thank you,
Hi BiaNca!
ja here, nag create na ako ng blog ko, sobrang nainspire mo ako, hehe!
right now, ala pa sya laman. bc pa sa reports kc. just want to take this opportunity to thank u. Thank U! sana this time magawa ko ito ng tuloy2...
nways, speaking of travel, ako naman ay nagtratravel sa buong Pilipinas, hindi para magbakasyon kundi para magtrabaho, kasama na lang dun ung chance to see dfrnt places. and I reaaly learned a lot sa mga napupuntahan ko and those people I meet sa field. I go to rural areas usually, and from there dami ako narerealize, naaapreciate sa buhay. When you go out there, u touch lives, u make them happy, just by beibg there and listening to their clamors, aspirations, lahat2.
if i'll have the luxury of time na, I will write all my thoughts...
nways, as usual, nice post!
PS. ganda mo sa Singapore pics^__^
keep it up!
God Bless!
Si 1 Corinthian 10:13 ulit^__^-ja
i believe that travel enriches the soul. =)
if we took on life with as much excitement and gusto as we would every time we were to use our passports to a new place -- without being afraid of getting lost -- life perhaps, will be less stressful =]
we are all "travelers" in this journey called life after all, and opportunities to "go places" are everywhere, it's only up to us if we'll chicken out on an adventure or not ^__^
well if you have money and you don't care about whats ahead in the future, you can travel till you drop. Yeah enjoy life in fullest, but for Pete's sake, magsave ka nman ng pera *laughs*
gusto ko yung last quote.
Hi Bianca,
I love your blog, I just found it 2 days ago and I really enjoy reading it. Actually nasa april, 2004 p lng ako, but I've done reading all your 2007 entries, and since I enjoyed it, binasa ko n rin talaga ung mga nasa archived mo, from the start, hehe..Grabe, I salute you for being supergirl, I really want to see you on TV as well as Toni and Mariel, unfortunately sa TFC connect n lng kita nkikita coz wla kming studio 23 and end n ang PBB, sna makasama k n sa wowowee. But because of this site mauupdate n ko sau..yehey..hope approved mo tong comment ko and ma mention mo ko sa next blog mo, hehehe..wish lang..or mabati sa TFC connect, hahaha..over n ba..Good Luck and God Bless!!!
if only traveling didn't cost soo much... i would've visited all 7 continents by now... like i would be gone every weekend! hehehe.
hahaaai... generous people reading this... there's a girl named ena in desperate need of a private jet. :) please help her out. hahaha.
reading your blog inspires me... i learn and realize things because of your thoughts, your inputs...
you actually inspired me to start blogging, and it has been a big help to me. thank you bianca. :-)
You should convince ABSCBN to give you a travel magazine show kinda like those on Discovery Travel or Living Asia. I think you'd do really well! Maybe you can give the show a unique twist... If Anthony Bourdain of No Reservations travels around the world trying out different restaurants, and The Thirsty Traveler circles the globe to try every alcoholic drink imaginable, maybe you could be - hmmm - The Global Bargain Hunter??? Very Pinoy di ba? You could feature different world bazaars and thrift shops and all those little discovered places that are fun to explore and shop! What do you think? I'd watch it =) Happy travels!
P.S. Just crossed Greece off my list of dream destinations. Was there for 10 days last month - Athens, Mykonos, Rhodes, Santorini. Bitin pa! Saw in one of your photo montages that you want to go there too. You should, you should! I wanna go back pa nga... but first I have to save some more money...
the travel book seems interesting :)
who's the author?
I share the same passion. my girlfriend and i save up just so that we could travel.
i dont see the point of travelling as an essential part for growing up adults. if you can qualify such. because at the end of the day its not the destination of life but the journey. we will soon realized that life is not about places to go but to create a place where people should go."Utopia" Sir Thomas More. I think its to shallow to see places and experience culture coz when we die God woudnt ask if you went seeing the North Pole or Europe.rather he would ask if you became a bridge for those people to see that in life the true essence of living is to make a world worth living. I would adore the taj mahal or the great wall of china or the danube river. But for as long as things are the same.. there is no point of travelling to it. take for instance intramuros..u can see and change life here but we opted to ride on planes and be glam yada yada..but nothing significant that can adveresely effect and affect change in the world. I know a person who have long dreamed to travel and chase the world.If you see her life now she is in solitude and solace.Not even worthy of those places she travelled. Not all that glitters is gold. our eyes deceived us like the serpent deceived adam and eve.
Sorry bianca.not intended to rebutt your life's philosophy.
thats the reason why ur in a quarter life crisis.
Ur unsure of what you want despite the fame, money and glam including the perks and priviledges of being famous. rest assured that it doesnt make aor break what life is all about.
Hope i helped you in a way.
if you have comments for me pls emaIL ME AT
hello! nice post ah? with the last 2 posts u've made, it all concerns with travel.. ice has his good points as well as the last one who posted his comment, contradicting views on travelling, but it's my turn. travel? we're on our journey all through our life. it just only means that we don't stop travelling. we don't stop searching for the answers in our life's mystery. going to other places might be just an instrument to find a hint of what we are really looking for. better yet, finding what we really want. and after our last breath here on earth, the travel isn't still over, for our souls will travel to God's eternal place. hoping that i made u smile & looking forward for more inspiring posts! take care! keep the faith!
hi ate bianca!ΓΌ
aww. i wish i have the chance to travel too. T_T
*making plans*
check out my list of top 10 emerging influential blogs! kasama ka! here's the link:
hello Miss Bianca!
Back to Blogging...
Well Miss Bianca... Isa po ikaw sa napili ko sa Influential Blog of 2007...
Sana ma appreciate mo..
Hi Ms. Bainca!
If there's sumthin I really want...
It's to travel every wondrous place in this 'BIG' world!
But I can only make it possible if I had the MONEY, or if I'm part of the NGC team or sumthin like that.
HAHAHAHA!!! Maybe I should really finish my studies after all!!!
That way I could be a step closer to my dream travel...
And if ever I had the chance sana ikaw ksama ko Ms. BIANCA. Nyahahahah!!!
Kea aaral ako mbuti para mangyari!
I wouldn't want to be reading juz a page... I want it
Hav a nyc week!!!
wow what a coincidence, bianca Mark Twain's is my shoutout on my friendster account, unfortunately I don't have a blogspot acct, but i have one in multiply though ...neways your still the same nice bianca as before, your mom (whom i use to call Tita ofel) was my mom's boss back during their banker days, I remembered when i received this unexpected gift from you (and your siblings), it even had a card with a drawn Santa Claus, which I am still keeping until today...
i second mark twain's statement. and add to that, take LOTS of pictures! =)
nice to be reading your blog.. just believe in yourself bianca.. who would have thouht that you would want to "travel".. hay.. god bless.
hi bianca! =D ^^ hav red ur blog, its good! Γ keep on making blogs :)..newei, i also have mine, tnx! if you have time, you can visit it! thnx! =D
let me rebutt for bianca...
there is no such thing as a "shallow experience." every experience has a meaning...places, people and events will all leave an imprint in your life. that is, if you know how to integrate and process your experiences. any type of expeirence will add a lot of insights to your life, make you more mature and learned..
besides, you can never judge travellers or bianca for this matter. their real purpose and motives are best kept inside their hearts. at the outset, it may look that they are just exploring the glam and fabulousness of the experience but,only they would know what is their real purpose...
imagine the world composed of statutory people who never go out of their comfort zone.
how can you change and make the world a better place to live in if you haven't seen any part of it?
what is the purpose of giving a hand in creating a better world to live in, if no one will go to it as everybody is busy creating "the better world to live in?"
anyone who says travelling is a waste of time, may have not travelled at all (although i know it would be impossible) i bet you commute, ride the cab or your own car, and that is considered travelling...
it's unfair to interpret one's experiences based on what we see outside or more so based on another person's experience.. every person is unique...
only God is worthy of judging us for what we do, want or aim if bianca is having a crisis or is she is any state of whatever you want to call it, it's her own battle to take and only she knows the reason for it...
whether it is related to her glamorous life, we have no say on that because we would not know all of the experiences she had and where she is coming from....
have a good day bianca...keep on travelling...
hi bianx!! i really adore u gurL for being an inspiration to us by sharing ur simple thoughts to ponder on.. im looking forward to read more blog from u..
Whoever said that money can't buy you happiness doesn't know how to shop, doesn't travel or never thought of travelling at all.
I guess, Bianca isn't trapped between two brick walls torturing herself about the truth of this so called quarter life crisis that's why she yearns to travel. (There's a different principle applies to it.) She just literally wants to travel. Call it escapism, but ever wonder why celebrities works hard all their lives to become famous and then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognize?
hi everyone.. :)
ang dami din palang interested in travel.. nakakatuwa naman! (ang mahal lang nga eh, diba? ayayay!)
i appreciate friedrich for all the comments he shared. yun naman purpose ng blog diba, to share your thoughts on certain things and to learn from what other people share.
thank you very much to irish joy, cool as ice, and chL for your comments! na-touch naman ako.. hehe.. but you are all right.
i would say na connected ang wanting ko to travel to this "quarter life crisis" that i think i am going through.. hehe. but i don't think there's anything wrong with that right? i've written countless times on my blog on how i want to be an eternal student. my current job doesn't allow me (yet) to pursue studies again, and i think travelling is just my outlet to learn, under different circumstances. that feeling na nakaupo ka lang in a foreign land, watching people of a different culture walk by, grabe! you learn so much na! i feel so, so blessed to have a job i love na i get to save enough to learn in the greatest classroom that is GoD's gift to us -- the world. also, travelling is my kuya's influence on me. go for broke siya just to travel and he doesn't regret a single cent he spent with all the things he learned.
to everyone here who wants to travel, whether as far as half way around the world or as near as the next town, go for it. learn, grow, and love to live along the way. :)
GoD bless you all.
**and thank you so much for visiting my blog!!!! keep on blogging din! mabuhay tayong cyberdorks! hehe.
I think traveling is always good for the soul. It widens your horizons and stretches you, but also enables you to grow. I share the same passion for traveling. I can't stay put in one place. If I only had the money, I'd be gone all the time, too.
As for the quarter-life crisis, good luck figuring that out. Based from experience, I know it affects people in their 20s differently. Some people go through the quarter-life crisis earlier than the others (which happened in my case). Just go with the flow and embrace the entire experience, confusing as it may seem. You'll get by.
Take care!
it seems that there is a hate campaign towards me here because of what i have posted. Hey this is a democratic country ayt?! Freedom of expression..and all that jazz.
CAn we be objective about it?and reassess what i have just said. I think it is pretty much clear on what i just said.
i think If you can read a Bianca's post.. iwas right that there was a link wiht her problem etc..
I agree with her that there is nothing wrong with travelling for as long as you get a visa for it.
What im simply saying is that..we and all of us should put things in the PROPER context.I have travelled a lot aswell. Went to Germany, France, Russia, Ireland etc. Mainly because of deabte competition. I represent a reputable school there in manila. Guess what i am in LA right now working for a multibillion company. So now you cannot discount the my credibilty on what i have posted because of my experiences and track record.
The point there being is that i have learned all these wisdoms and truths due to proper channeling of what i have experiencce, what i have learned and how i am living my life.
I think and i hope that there is really nothing vague or ambigous on what i have just.
Bottomline is i would like to help bianca through this interaction site(pareho tayo atenista) hehehe
I think we were classmates in an elective class in ateneo. Philo ata.hehehe
sowi if i was brutally frank
i'm sorry to superstar kris, michael, ladyarcher, and the last ten people who posted a comment here on my blog! i accidentally clicked 'reject' instead of 'publish'!
forgive me please? :(
just dropping by to say thank you for appreciating my comment.. just in case hinde mo po nabasa, kc nabura mo ata... anyways, you dont to post this one. again. you will always be welcome and thank you for inspiring all of us you call "cyberdorks". keep the faith. gudnyt.
hello ate bianca! my name's bianca too, but people at school often call me thea.
anyway, i've reading some of your posts lately, and i can see that indeed, you love to travel.
i, as well, would want to experience going to other countries, but the fees are sort of expensive.
when i'm already working, i'm going to make sure that i'd be able to go to paris!
haha. thank you for reading my comment!
huwat? u deleted it? awww... too sad for me. hehehe! nway, i want to reiterate that i'm also fond of travelling. yeah, the world is the biggest classroom and experience is the greatest teacher. kaya, byahe tayo!
hi bianca, im not really a fan (in truth and in fact i don't watch television), but ofcourse i know you and a lot of tv personalities by name and/or by face, no offense dear, it's just because im a fulltime working-law student with a gazillion of extra-curricular activities, i hardly even sleep. i hope my approach is not bitchy or anything. im a really goody-two-shoes kind of person, never been angry in my 23 years of existence and im not exaggerating, but ofcourse im not perfect and am still idealistic despite the fact i've been working in a law office for 3 years now. anyways to cut my long intro (i hope you'll still read the rest of what i have to say), here goes... a friend got me to check your blogsite (just a moment ago) and i don't know why but i did't have second thoughts which was a good thing because i really enjoyed reading your blog entries. and you know what i just had to say these, "you're touching lives with it, so keep it up. i may not know you that well but you're one good soul with the thoughts and feelings you put into words. you have inspired me to maintain the goodness in me despite the chaotic world we live in and the people who are still lost in the wilderness. finally, you made me see again that life is beautiful and God is good. thank you. godbless in your endeavors." mwahugs. im erica iris d. raquel.
In the spirit of "debate" - i just want to say that working for a multibillion dollar firm in California or Zimbabwe or Iceland, or stating the fact that one comes from a reputable university in the Philippines doesn't necessarily tip the scales of reason in your favor. I don't see how that adds substance to your argument. :0) And I totally disagree with your argument because you equate travelling with mere "sightseeing." If that's ALL that travel has meant to you - I hate to say it, but you missed out. You could've just surfed the Net for pics of the Eiffel Tower. Being uprooted from the routine of your everyday life, allowing yourself to be a bit worried - perhaps scared - to be in such unfamiliar territory, missing home, people-watching, experiencing the "newness" of a life that's not really yours, building a photo bank of memories, comparing and contrasting cultures - that's what travel has meant to me.
I also don't see how you could have assumed the fact that her celebrity status had anything to do with her passion for travel...I don't know, but it just seemed presumptuous and simplistic...!
So anyway, just thought I'd say I love the fact that Bianca pointed out that her wanting to travel is rooted in the fact that she wants to go back to school. Travel allows her to be a "student", with the world, literally, as her classroom. I think that's awesome - it's apparent that that's come from a whole process of self-introspection.
And just to add, I think that introspection is the crux of the quarter life crisis. I think ultimately, the "crisis" lies in aligning realities with the life we want to have for ourselves. :)
Ok, haba na ito! I'll end it here. Just thought I'd throw in my two centavos!
And Friedrich, or to that person who left that Anonymous posting, FYI, I, too, graduated from the Ateneo and I, too, now work for a Fortune 500 in Canada. Wala lang. Just letting you know. For whatever its worth. :0)
All in the spirit of blogging banter.
hi biancs! i saw you in Cinemalaya three days ago i think. It was my first time to see you in person. You were so stunning that night. I love your skintone!=) Honestly I was shocked to see you walking downstairs because Mr.C was there.hehe I was waiting for your reaction that time, and finally you said HI to him.heheh okay Ingat!=)
just want to say double thanks for appreciating my comments...=)
hi miss.bianca! i'm a big fan of your blog!=) kaya sa sobrang amazement ko gumawa din ako ng akin..hehe i hope u can view my blog if u have the time... i really admire ur thoughts and ur views on things. i also like ur template! hehe kudos miss.bianca! and God bless!=)
hi biancs!i really love your page and the way you do with your if you could help me,please please please do so..i would really appreciate it a lot..i hope to hear from you soon..thanks!
I like the quote about books! :)
it's really really a pleasure to read.
I've already read 5 dozens of books in the span of 2 and a half years!
I was influenced by our good friend, Jeffcrazy! hehe!
hala! lagot lolah bianca! bakit mo nadelete?...buti na lang wala pa akong comment dun eheheh :p
hello miss bianca,
good day to you!
kala ko dati corny mag-blog, kala ko din isa na naman itong "fad" na mawawala din...
pero nung nag start ako, na-enjoy ko na... sarap pala ng meron kang "outlet" ng mga thoughts mo...
i really enjoy reading your blog, na-inspire ako...
I'm a BSEducation student, naisip ko na maganda itong way para maging outlet din ng mga magiging students ko...
ang ganda ng mga kuha mo sa singapore...
take care lagi!
hi ms. bianca! it seems like "beaches" is a nice book. pwede malaman kung sino author??
wala na bng susunod sa BLOG or nde na ba babalik ang BLOG? huhu..
bianca is it ok if you visit my blog and if its not such a hassle for you to comment on it?
Thanks i just want to know your perspective
hi ms bianca! i'm bianca too... and also blog-lover like you! "mabuhay ang mga BIANCA" i guess kasama ako dun sa accidentally mong na-erased. di ko kasi mahanap ung comment mo. but still... i love your site. super inspiring nya. its true! superbianca ka nga!
stay pretty always! :)
hiee bianca! great pictures! ang 'swerti' naman ng mga nakasama mo sa mga places na yan! take care girl!
God bless...
Very inspiring words...
nice choice supergirl...
thanks for sharing...
gud dae te biancz! and za mga readerz! yey! zmail muna! ;p
gunzhotz in a major wei za superbianca blogspot! kay te biancz who inzpire uz a lot! and za mga readerz, gueztz, and za mga npazilip lng,, hahaha! ;p
dmi nten n222nan d2! pwa dn taung nkzama za travel ni te biancz! alzo, dama q ung meaning ng bwat wordz! ung mga advocaciez, xperienzes, and a lot more!
dhl dun, olweiz rmmbr na we're ol blessed and guided in a major wei! yey! ~connection?! hahaha! un na un!
chillaxed! zmail! God bless! ;p
~ ;p lirenades ;p
..hi ms bianca..
i enjoyed reading ur blog.. :)
just like the slogan of an outdoor brand says...
wow! nice cam..
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