!!hApPy cHriStMaS!!

before anything else, a very merry christmas greeting from jc, aissa, and bianca!
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warning, this is an extremely long post!.
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blackout bLuEs.
i haven’t experienced a blackout probably since i was grade school. that was until the big blackout a few weeks ago, caused by the typhoons. so me, aissa, my mom, and gerald decided to come out with our list of top five things to pass the time when there’s a blackout.

left to right is 1 to 5.
1 – the staring contest, first one to blink loses.
2 – the candle blowing game, where whoever can put out the flame from the farthest distance wins.
3 – shadow pictionary, where you guess what is it the shadows projects.
4 - sing it! sing your heart out and record it using your phone. we sang “rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer”, with me on vocals, aissa on percussions, and gerald on the whistle. i set it as my ring tone for the christmas season.
5 – take a la blairwitch pictures to send to your friends who are as bored as you are.
a much needed break was needed by yours truly, and i got it last weekend in the beautiful island of boracay.

i love that moment when you see this last big stone (a) from the boat from caticlan, and just seconds after, the beautiful four kilometer beach (b) welcomes you. aah, i’m home. just before getting off the boat, the crystal clear water and the white sand underneath (c) says hello. hellooooo!
i love walking on the island. its so amazing walking around the island (d), smelling that mixture of sand, sweat, and hawaiian tropic, hearing the music change every few steps, from paul van dyk, to bob marley, and even to kitchie nadal. i love boracay culture.
it was my first time to stay at mandala spa and wow!! it was the rest and relaxation i’ve long been dreaming of and much more! in the spa huts, a rose petal foot spa starts off your treatment, then you are led down to the bath area (e) with candles lighting the way, then a bath tub filled with oils and rose petals (plus a view of tropical plants and the blue sky) awaits you. after that, i had the mandala massage (f), an hour and a half long massage with healing oil. wow. boy, did i have a good night’s sleep!
the next day, i woke up and had my very first vegan meal (g) for breakfast. i had mangoes, wheat bread, and an egg white omelet. after which, i took my very first yoga class! i took a starter class with justin’s mom. it was just all stretching and warm ups but it was so tiring!
we all decided to spend the afternoon going around to shop, both for christmas gifts and pasalubongs, and before we knew it, it was sundown! we usually spend sunset sessions (as my friends and i call it) in front of jonah’s, but when we got to station one, it wasn’t the usual orange summer hue that we saw! the december boracay sunset (h) is more of a fusion of all the possible shades of blue. from the sand to the sky to even the face of your friends, there seems to be a thin blue film in front of your eyes. before you know it, the moon is high up (i) over bora.
its so beautiful when the shore of bora (j) is as wide as a highway. and that it was. walking on it makes you seem like you’re floating. local kids enjoy skimboarding and showing off tricks. and all in all, it just makes the beach look more like paradise. and to add to the paradise feel is first, my most favorite drink in the world! mocha rum shake (k) from jonah’s!! second, having justin (l) with me! (yuuuck! haha.) third, is that chance to have absolutely nothing on your mind, stare at the beach, and just bum (m).
another great thing about bora (oh i can just go on and on) is the hospitality of the locals. before leaving, i made sure to say hi to a few friends there, one of which was janet (n). she’s one of the sweetest and strongest women i know, is the owner of cafĂ© breizh (serves the best crepes and caesar salad!), and is the proud mommy of baby ysobel!
haaay. all good things must come to and end, and as we say bye to bora (o), the only thing on our mind is how much we’re looking forward to our trip back.
breaking news.

fpj’s death.
i’m sorry to all pro-fpj and pro-erap people, but the whole wake of fpj just got me so mad. of course head count would be higher.. who has a wake for around a week and a half? and though i give fpj praises for his helping countless people, i still wouldn’t dare to call him a national hero as erap did. susan roces was a surprise as well. i admired her first-lady-like manner of handling the whole thing, of how she was so true. not until her speech at the necrological service. “i don’t want this death to be a political one.” yeah right!! after the whole week of politics and after clapping for everyone else’s political speeches. hay. tsk, tsk, the politics in this country. to top the whole thing off, and my friend marion put it best, its not like we’re saying we shouldn’t grieve over his death. he’s a great man and a great loss, yes, but it was just unfair how the death of one man caused the forgetting of the death of thousands of our other countrymen in quezon.
merry christmas to me.
the evening of the 23rd caught me by surprise with the most unexpected christmas gift. getting bitten by my brother’s dog, bacci. i’ve never been bitten by a dog as a kid, why did it have to happen now that i’m all grown up? at first i thought it was just a scratch, but then it started bleeding. though bacci has had his complete shots, our doctor advised us that if the wound has blood, i have to get it injected. i’ve never been afraid of injections as a kid. i wasn’t either when i went to the hospital this time. (thank you to my mom and justin for being there for me.) but oh my goodness i didn’t expect the medicine for dog bites to hurt so much!! to cut the long story short, that night, i missed the fun of my barkada christmas party, i had six painful injections, and my eyes were so puffy from crying that i couldn’t see.
on earthquakes and tsunamis.
just when the images of the movie “the day after tomorrow” seemed like the wonders of technology. just when we thought the real, quezon tragedy was the worst that could happen. just because we happen to be on the right side of sumatra instead of the left.
let’s all hope for the speedy recovery of both victims and their families, and hope that the aftershocks don’t cause any more damage..
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merry christmas and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who reads my blog and i promise to go visit your blogs as soon as i can! ☺ cao, cheddar, camille, iya lags, mai, dawnie, gracielle, tina, ayeza, sweet, kessa, nicole, tiepee, cali, freyti, jepi, ella, pamsue, chigo, calc, ven, bart, triszh, wenk, joey, tammy, soloflite, darla, cath, gail, russ, vea, marsh, luiboi, psyche, mishi, ariane, dea, pel, jennie, bianca c, jempot, kat, emcie, marla, cris lags, kemy, claudine, clare, kassy, ver, stephen, jey, rose, tanya, joan, ish, tara, franz, jakey, kathy, carla, tins, sarah, faye, jerome, rizel, roanne, patty, pauleen, mariel, grimlin, anna, rainne, jingo, alin, jhana, chescalicious, bubbles, kristen, margret, jonathan, jekert, jan andwhee, aecee, ces, caitlin, bullish, polaris, karla, ivan, weng, jepi, kymie, rachelle, juanmig, alexis, jill sab, ala, aycs, alexi, pam, yogi!
1 comment:
Wow!Angdmi nman po ninyong bnibcta n blog!
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