the JOY of our lives!!!!
my godson roco is the joy of all our lives. he lives all the way in san francisco but thanks to technology, he doesn't seem so far away. seeing his picture, watching his videos, hearing the sounds he makes, all those simple things make life sooo much better! :)
to all the other proud ninangs or ninongs, mommies or daddies, kuyas or ates, lolos or lolas reading this, i'm sure you can relate to my JOY! :)
roco at three months: laughing baby!

first time to hear him actually laugh and chuckle!!!! a baby's laugh is priceless!!!! :) here he is lying on his mommy's legs as his mommy sings him a made up song and plays with him. this is a screen cap from a two minute flip video where he's just laughing with his mommy! one of our favorite flip videos to date! he showed sooo many facial expressions in the span of just two minutes! cutiepie!!!!
roco at four months: strong baby!

roco now has a strong neck and strong legs!!!! aaaaw! proof of his strong neck is that even if he's lying down face down to the floor, which my brother and sister-in-law call "tummy time" because his tummy is flat on the floor, he can hold his head up! plus he can flip himself over all on his own! :) he also has strong legs because when his daddy holds his hands to assist him, he can go from lying down to sitting up to standing up!!!! i'm really so proud! :p
roco at five months: eating baby!

fat cheeks!!!! roco has such fat, kissable, bite-able cheeks!!!! :) this is thanks to my amazing sister-in-law tracy who breastfed him all the way. remember, don't believe the sales pitch of milk companies! breastfeeding is REALLY THE BEST for babies! :) its only now that he is starting to eat baby cereal and wow he loves to eat! he even likes holding the spoon himself even if his mommy is the one who feeds him!
do you think he has my eyes?? haha! feeling! :p
i love you roco! can't wait to see you again! :)
This can just make anyone smile. So inspiring. =)
wow! soooo cute!
I wish I can have a godson like that too. I'm sure I won't forget birthday gifts, xmas gifts, soo angel.
Hi Bianca! I can totally relate to your situation and cute Roco. I also have a pamangkin(first) who lives in the US and we get to witness his developmental milestones thru videos. :)
you're right. Breastfeeding is best and no other milk producing companies can beat the nutritional value it gives.
Techno fan
he's so cute and adorable, he makes me smile! :) such innocence!
Hey Bianca G! i have a 3 month old nephew/godson right now and i know exactly how you feel! :D babies are true bundles of joy! i go insane when i see my nephew smile! super cute! hahaha :)
your blog entries are great! and so are you! :p
Priceless!!! You're more excited being a ninang than being an auntie!!! The baby is so adorable. I want to make kurot his cheeks. :)
I feel you, Bianca. The two babies in our family lighten up our lives.
roco soo cute Ms B! soo adorable =)
and tama ka, our pamangkin/s is the JOY talaga sa family natin =)
love ur blog Ms B!
itsmebonbon ^_^
He's so cute. I love kids. :)
kyooooot. :))))
hi, Bianca.. I am Afi from Malaysia and a friends of Nadira Hanum. He's so cute ..the baby .. i like them ^^ hope to be a best friends ^^
I can soooo relate! I have thirteen (13!) pamangkins (I have nine siblings din kasi!) and a godfather to four of them. Every one of them is a blessing indeed. They never fail to put a smile in our faces! To put it simply... I have a fatty heart full of "joyful cholesterol" because of my pamangkins that every time I'm with them I get struck by joyful strokes! LOL!
ang cute ni roco..artistahin mana kay bianca..pacyber kurot nga..
He is really adorable :)
Wow Bianca, you're such a proud Tita / Ninang. I bet you'll gonnna be the kind of Mom who keeps track of all your kid's milestones. Keep it up :)
so cuuuute
totally relatable!
especially to a first time tita like me :) every week, I take pictures of my niece who we visit weekly!
and we are awed every single visit ;)
cute cute roco!
he's sooooo cute! i will never tire playing with babies. :))
ROCO is such an angel!
soooo cute.
yes, he has you eyes, naaaks. :P
That was TRUE LOVE!!! super charming naman ni Baby Roco!!
hello miss Bianca G! I am excited to know what is the MAJOR, major news you are talking about, hmmmmm... you're getting married to Jun Pyo? haha! Joke! Thank You for the cutest ktxt ever!
(please reply naman, if you have time... kahit "hello" lang...)
hello B!
wanna share this video just found this in youtube, i dunno if you've already watch this. btw, can you still remember those love quotes you read in pbb uplate before?, someone made a video out of those and it's dedicated to you.
Cuteness ni baby roco.. hehehe.. Kmukha yta ni kua JC ^^ ng dad nya.. hehhee.. n kmukha dn ni ate biancs! ^^ hahhaa.. May Killer smile! :D
Nice photos of him! Cute! :] Sna Video nlng pnost nyo po ate biancz hehehe..
video not viewable? aw.
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