a real fairy tale. ♥
this story is for everyone who believes in love. this is the ultimate story of the saying 'if its meant to be, it will be.'
meet pepel and pat, ten years ago..

this picture was taken 2001. that was also around the time i met pepel. we were both freshmen in college and pretty much had the same breaks so we really hung out a lot. months passed and we really clicked and got along, til we realized, hey! i found a best friend in you! way back then, pepel and pat's love story was already a big deal. she was from assumption, he was from ateneo, they met in grade school and their love stood strong til college. for our age then, having a relationship that long was a major feat!
til we came to our junior year in college. pepel was given the great opportunity to transfer to fordham in new york to study. it was such great and sad news at the same time for me, the best friend, but i could just imagine how hard it was for pat to handle that. our whole barkada was lucky that the first year or two, pel still got to go home and visit us and we'd go out. pepel and i kept the friendship. and all along i was just so inspired at how he and pat were holding on, despite the different troubles that came their way.

fast forward to 2010. pepel and pat are happily living in california, legally married last year, and today, june 6, getting married in church. it breaks my heart that i can't be there with them for this most special occasion, but undoubtedly today, my heart is in san francisco.
allow me to share a beautiful, beautiful excerpt of what pepel wrote as "their story". (girls, you may want to have tissue beside you. i cried buckets when i read this.)
"At the end of the day I finally was able to talk to cute girl, found out her name was Pat and invited her to a party (which she eventually didn’t attend). As cheesy as it sounds, I thought to myself She is going to be my girlfriend. The morning after, I asked my cousin SanSan for Pat’s number, and told her not to tell anyone I had a humongous crush on Pat… which she totally told Pat the very next day.
She became my girlfriend on April 23, 1999, my wife on November 17, 2008 and I love her so much I’m marrying her again on June 6, 2010.
The next 11 years after the soiree were to be filled with much happiness and growing up. Our 5 year long distance relationship started out as a strain, but in hindsight, it was probably what made our relationship a lot stronger. It allowed us to grow individually into our own persons, mature as adults, live separately from one another and then eventually intersect on that exact moment when we were both ready to spend forever with each other.
I’m extremely proud to say that several people have told Pat and I that our relationship is such an inspiration to them. We will always go down in the history books as living proof that: 1. You can meet the love of your life in a Soiree, 2. Long distance relationships DO work, and 3. With enough perseverance and determination, the nerd could end up with the hot cheerleader and live happily ever after…"

photo credits: kat and lovine!
i love you pel and pat!!!!!!!!!! all the love and happiness in the world for both of you!!!!!!!!! ♥
aww.. i'm so happy for them :D such a nice story!
what an inspiring love story.. i hope this could happen for me and for my loved one. . .
Hi bianca! Thanks for sharing this! Im in a LDR and it's a bit rough. Pero mas naging positive ako ngayon! (:
awww. tss -- that's so sweet!! pat is the 'name for the day' as i also have 2 friends who will be getting married to a 'pat' that incidentally, i just learned today! please tell them to add me on the list that they inspired. :-)
- off-topic -
ps. i've been trying to get in touch with you thru twitter. i was wondering if you read any 'mention' from crazybeauti_ful since my account is protected and sadly, i haven't read any answer from you. :(
ur bestfriend is the sweetest! :) my boyfie and will be fighting the odds of a long distance relationship in a couple of months and their story somehow gave me strength. I don't think any couple would ever be ready for a long distance relationship but their story gives hope that in love, there'll always be a way if you want things to work out. Thanks for sharing this post. :)
aaaawww..so inspiring tlga!=) i met my bf now when we were still in elementary..i had a huge crush on him then. after 13 yrs of no communication, we met again and and found out we both liked each other 13 yrs ago.. i hope our love story is a happy ending too..=)
nakakaiyak nga. haist. atleast true love still exist. and it doesn't hurt to read a lovestory from a guy's point of view. parang mas sweet. siguro dahil babae ako.
thanks for sharing. :)
This is such a beautiful story. It makes us believe in love. We doubt it at times , when our hearts get broken and hopes get crushed. But at the end of the day, there are stories na magpapaalala satin na "uy, totoo pala talaga un"..and this is one of those. Hopefully my story is as beautiful as this (probably not as beautiful) but basta happy ang ending. :)
this is such a cool love story. these things are really wonderful.
I also do believe that Long Distance Relationships do work too :)
My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 8-years (8-years this June 16). and out of the 8 years, we've been in a LDR for 2. It definitely is a challenge but it does make us stronger :)
I even made a blog to document our journey through the LDR and how we will survive all odds: www.lovingthedistance.com
Yey for LDRs! Congratulations to the lovely couple!
oh... how happy it is to live filled with so much love... :)
sweet!!! =)
i love this... "the nerd could end up with the hot cheerleader and live happily ever after…
I was about to message you on twitter to post this story here, nandito na pala :)
Thank you thank you so much for sharing this. I love it!
Such a lovely couple! I love the 3rd living proof..a nerd and a cheerleader live happily after! I'm looking forward for the blogger's wedding. :)
yea. this is so inspiring. :">
even i don't have bf yet. thanks for sharing this ate bianca. :) i'm a huge fan of yours. ;) continue sharing inspirational stories. love yah!
you're right, I would be needing tissue paper next to me. i was moved by reading this.
more power to your blog
wow! i lyk dis line " With enough perseverance and determination, the nerd could end up with the hot cheerleader and live happily ever after…"
Such an inspiration....
awww, a 5 year long distance relationship! Im kind of in one myself, but it's still on the starting stage... hopefully we can make it through too...
such an inspiration..true love..
one more thing my parents 33rd anniv yesterday!
Wow! Awesome story! This made me believe that there is such thing as one true love ♥
Great! Great! Love the story. Like the people involved on it. Nice one!=)
awww. heartfelt! and inspiring, i don't know why! I guess because they got through that LDR! :)
i love the story!. this is living proof of love:)
awww... such a beautiful story... am going to share this on my blog so my bf can see as well... i myself is in a long distance relationship, and we're 1 and half years already... hope we can make it last too...
such an inspiration to me since me n my boyfie has been on a LDR relationship...lucky you to have a bestfrnd like that! thanks for sharign ate biancs..<#
nice story, truly a happy ending.
and i wish you too may have a happy ending with the one you love. :)
sweet! congrats to them!
and congrats to you too bianca --- love the women's health mag where you are in the cover. :) n
such a lovely story..I can relate too coz it's so difficult to have a long distance relationship.My bf is in Korea now and we seldom see each other.. I am happy everytime I read such a sweet story like yours :) so inspiring..thanks for sharing :)
Such an inspiring tale of love. I wish to have my own happy ending when I get to say "I do." :)
Nice story :-D
Thank you for this. Thank you so much.
true love does exist. aww :">
Being in a LDR really brings out the WORST in you. There are times when you really just want to throw in the towel but in reality it just brings out or its shows you how much you can PERSEVERE, TRUST, and LOVE one person.
--this post gives me the strength to ENDURE my LDR. =)
very inspiring, biancs! thanks for sharing.
awww... very very romantic naman ang sooo sweet. :))
sabay pa wedd nila sa bday ko. :)
awww...that just made my heart melt...wishing pel and pat a happy and more exciting journey together...;p
great love story!! true really exist!!! hope i could have a relationship like them... *fingers crossed*
hi miss bianca... i think my confidence boosts up a bit...
-xuper p.-
Miss Bianca,
they are meant to be talaga! :)
please watch this video on YouTube. you'll definitely remember them. (it's a song from a guy, who was compared to John Mayer, pure awesomeness! haha!)
here's the link!
note: he did the cover of John Legend's "Ordinary People", and that song was the reason of his popularity.
God Bless you miss Bianca :)
may you have your own fairy tale din soon! :)
awww....a fairy tale indeed. i hope you wont mind if i share this on my blog. :)
OMG!!! More and more living proofs are now telling me that "true love" really exists. Thanks, bianca for sharing us pat and pel's love story. We loved it. :)
i love the story (it is inspiring) and i love you, bianca for sharing this to us.. :)
i just really, really hope and pray that you'll be able to tell us also your own love story someday and that you'll also share your wedding vow to us.. whoever that guy is, he is a very, very lucky man for having you..
all the best! :)
Great story to be share, true love do exist not because I've read this one but I already experience the what so called "like a fairytale love story", its wonderful yet unbelievable. This article is really, inspiring to be exact.
Aaw. I just love the third one:
"3. With enough perseverance and determination, the nerd could end up with the hot cheerleader and live happily ever after…"
Mega duper AAAAW. *kilig*
awww! so sweet...
Haha, Pepel IS the nerd that ended up with the cheerleader!
Kat and I are their unofficial photographers, we took those last two in your post :). On occasion, we are also designated yaya and driver.
Here's a few from their wedding, but I wish I could've taken more of the beautiful ceremony:
wow.. amazing.. ;-)
kinilig ako..
parang sa movies lang pero puede palang mangyari for real! XD
awww *sob* got teary-eyed nga.. maybe bcoz i'm a hopeless romantic OR he (Pel) had me on his "the nerd could end up with the hot cheerleader and live happily ever after"
wish Pel and Pat all the best!!!
hi thanks for sharing this very inspiring
very inspiring
what he wrote is too priceless.
hmmm.. that was so great.. nice post bianca.. i so so love it ! if you have time you can also visit my blog site www.gpan.co.cc .. i really admire you posts. Looking forward for more.. more.. more..
this story <3 :')
ngaaw, what he wrote was so cute <3
i love their picture together the last one pretty :)
indeed, it was really a fairy tale that every girl / women / wife could wish for, a true love that ends with a happily ever after. :)
Ang super pretty ni Pat!
indeed sooo inspiring.. 5 years of long distance relationship isn't that easy.. i can attest to that myself..but how i wish my story will end up like their story... cheers to pel and pat!
Your Image Header looks great!
it hit me!! teary eyed!! =(
a true love, indeed.
I honestly thought Pepel was the girl and Pat the guy only to find out it's the opposite. Haha!
Really cute! Awww.
damn, thats cool.. Y is the nerd always end up with the prittiest chick.. Pepel, wats the secret.. Please share.. PAt, wat made u in love with a nerd..
i've been in an LDR, i was left here in PH. sad to say, it didn't work out. what hurt me the most is what i proved to be true after our breakup...he has been communicating with this girl, a co-worker of his college gal friend, whom he haven't even met in person. now, they're the ones in an LDR.
being in an LDR, after being together most of the times before the other one left, is sooooo hard. i guess it's easier the other way around.
cheers to pepel & pat! best of LOVE! ~♥
In times like this where LDR takes you to a narrower and darker path that seems to lead you to say goodbye, all you really need is a good inspiring story that would give you the "oomph" and hope and will to keep goin'.. believing that my own 5yrs LDR will have its own happy ending like that of Pat & Pepel =)
Thank you for sharing Bianca!
L♥ve it!
I'm inspired :) I'm in a long distance relationship, too for 5 years now. Random people tell me that it won't work but hey, we'll prove them wrong.
Such an inspiration, ^^ I'm in a long distance relationship right now, and stories such as this give me hope that we can make it work, ^^ Thanks!
u don't have to approve this comment coz its more of a private message. =) plus... im a shy person too. =D
i am just sooo happy that my friend introduced me to ur nakakatuwang blog! i keep on smiling and awww--ing. =D
im reading ur blog...backwards and today i just finished reading ur entry(pat n pepel's love story). your blog is indeed inspiring. it tells us how simple and loving u r. Dito ko din naramdaman na totoong tao nga tlga si iamsuperbianca(feeling ko kasi mga simulation lang ang mga artista) hehehe =D.
ur not supergirl, u'r wonderwoman! =D
i am also a fan of "travel, love, happiness and inspiration". =)
hope you would also visit my blog... but i warn u, its not as good as yours. =D
always stay humble and charitable and inspiring. hope u will always find time to make an entry to update us, ur blog readers. =)
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