i honestly can't wait to turn 30.. ♥
i've always said i can't wait to grow older. not in a "i'm-rushing-to-be-older-and-more-mature" kind of way, but in an "i'm-not-afraid-to-grow-old" and "i'm-so-excited-to-see-what-life-has-in-store-for-me" way. they say that 30 is the new 20, 40 is the new 30, 50 is the new 40, and so on. i've always loved reading articles about older women who have such a strong sense of self, who have a treasure chest worth of experiences, and who just are so wise about life!
it is no question that everyone in their 20s feel like they go through some sort of "quarter life crisis", if that is an actual term. i think the anxiety that comes with being 20-something is more of because it is the age where you decide what you want out of life! whether it be in terms of career, love, friendship, where to live, where to travel to, whether to spend or save, what to do! waaaah!!!
there is so much anxiety that comes with being in your 20s! do you feel it too? know that you are not alone!

i saw this issue of in style magazine with cameron diaz on the cover, and in the article inside, she put it perfectly. when i read it, i knew instantly, this is the reason why i can't wait to turn 30. :p

"the experience of growing older is that you become more introspective. you learn who you are and what you want. when you're in your 20s, you have no idea what the hell's going on or who you are or how the world works. wisdom is really underrated. we are obsessed with youth, with physical youth, what we look like and what happens to our bodies as we get older. we forget what happens to our souls, our minds, and our actual human experience."
it is good to know though that i feel my family brought me up well enough, that i know i am growing older focusing not just on the physical but more so on the soul, mind, and actual human experience!
i am extremely blessed and happy and i never in my wildest dreams would've thought i'd be the person i am now that i'm 27. but.... i gotta be honest and say i do wonder what life will be like around three to five years from now! ♥
important announcement!!!!
celebrate my blog's anniversary with me! in connection to my post, i would like to invite all of you to SHARE YOUR INSPIRING GROWING UP STORY!!!! every september i celebrate my blog's anniversary and this year my blog turns seven years old!!!! seven!!!! how time flies. i would like to celebrate this year's blog anniversary by posting YOUR best lesson learned because of an experience that forced you to grow up! whether it be a life-changing job, a discovery, a break-up, an accident, a chance encounter, a major decision, anything! i would like you to share a major moment in your life that forced you to grow up, and the life lesson you learned because of it. i will read through all of them and share some on my blog anniversary post this september, so that your story can help inspire others going through something similar! post your story on the comments section below! i am sooo looking forward to reading your stories! ♥
When are you turning 30? I am turning 22 tomorrow. :)
People sometimes do not realize that their first (or 2nd or whichever is the deepest) break-up is a life changing moment. some people carry it as a baggage, as something to be forgotten, something not worth turning their backs into. On the contrary, I took my first break-up as a lesson. Of course i went through all the pain and devastation and desolation. but thing is, after that, after i've gone through all the misery, i survived. and i believe i became a better person. i was young and i was scared to face realities in life. a break up is one slap in the face for those who think life is a fairytale. for some lucky ones, it is. but for me, i knew im not living in a whole new world.
I learned that God always has a plan, and that whatever happened in the past, though stays in the past, is always a learning experience. i learned how to love more-- towards the person you love and towards yourself. i learned that love isn't a compromise of your own being but a chance to become the best person for you and your love.
some people hate break-ups. what i learned is that after all the pain, i knew i grew up, more mature and even stronger. for everything in life, i came up with a simple understatement: no regrets. :)
Growing old is entirely different from Growing up. we grow old every year, that is for sure. whether we grow up as we grow old, that is something that we choose to do, when we are ready.
continue on inspiring people, superbianca. take care. :)
i'm pondering over your post... I just turned 29 last month, and I don't feel my age. In fact, I don't feel a bit different than when I was 18. Well maybe i got more responsibilities now and I got more freedom. But that's it. :) How young are you bianca?
hi bianca! happy blogversary! i really enjoyed reading your blogs! and here's my share of story as i joined you celebrating your anniversary in blogosphere!
Mine's here
Happy 7th Anniversary to your blog Bianca!
I am also a blogger for some time.
I got the chance to met you by the way, last year during the Purple Hunt Finale. And you're great! Was one of the Yahoo Purple Crew...:')
This made me admire you that much, when I saw your blog. Kudos to you!
here's my story:
I've been from a breakup for almost 5 years in relationship. The problem is that the family of my ex-boyfriend suddenly don't like me. I've been so close to them and when all of them migrated to the US except my ex, they changed. Until, one time, I give up 'cos I can't bear them anymore. And the most painful thing is that, my ex choose his family over me. And to think, I helped them in some way while processing their papers. Well, that's might life is......
for several times of crying alone, I just knelt unto GOD,asking him guidance and wisdom to just move on. Promising myself not to entertain anyone 'cos I'm not yet ready, and I don't wanna get hurt again. I got the time to be at church every Sunday, keeping myself busy. As short as 2 months, I totally moved on. I Thank God!
Then, until such time I met a guy and he became my fiancée'. hahaha!
God is so good!
Lesson: Even in the most downfall moment in our life, if we just talk to God for the best, then he eventually give it to us. Not exactly in the moment we wanted but in God's perfect time.
His guidance and protection is just AMAZING! --end---
More Power Bianca! God be with you all the time!
"there is so much anxiety that comes with being in your 20s! do you feel it too?"
yes! i super feel it! i am in my early 20's right now.. 21 to be exact.. and there are lots of things i think of doing..
i am a fresh grad and expected to work and earn for myself. but, i'm not working right now, so the pressure is on! everyone is asking "may trabaho ka na ba?" and i was like, "wala pa".. i feel like everyone is on the rush with other peoples' lives..
i admit that after i graduated, i have a lot of plans.. i want to do this, do that, go there and there and there, have this, that and whatsoever.. it is all about "wants"..
but after a few months of break with the expectations of other people, and thinking about what life do i have right now and what life do i want to have after ten years.. everything is clear to me now.. i managed to know what i really want... not what they want me to be, but who i want to be..
i thank God and my parents for letting me, to be a part of an organization that caters for the needs of children with special needs.. in which i take care of two children with special needs for ten days without going home.. it makes me more mature and responsible as well as more sensitive with other people.. it is hard to be responsible with two person who are not related to you, but then it is fulfilling to accomplish the ten days and shared everything you have to those kids.. and the most special thing is I know in myself, that I made those two kids happy by letting them feel how it was to have a family.. to have a sister who takes care of you and look after you for at least ten days.. it was heart warming to feel their hugs and feel that they are thankful to have you even if they can’t say it directly.. I will never forget their smiles.. and because of that, i became more confident and sure of the path that i will walk through.. and that is, i want to continue volunteering and i want to become a SpEd Teacher one day.. and i'm on my second step right now to reach that goal..
i can say that i am blessed and thankful to have parents who supports me and let me have what i know what is right and good for me..
I had an operation when I was 19 and was told that I will not be able to bear a child. My heart was broken that instant. I was in college back then and living with my bf at the time. There was nothing I could do but move on and accept that. 2 years after the operation and preparing for my last year in school, I got pregnant. Mixed emotions. Worried about what my parents would say. Confused because I wasn't prepared for any of this. Sad because I had to stop school. Happy because I will be a mother. My mind went blank as my future suddenly became a blur. Instantly, I had tons to decide on about my life. The same year, I was 21, I got married. I gave birth. Started a new life in HK. All of a sudden, from 21 years old, I felt as if I was in my 30s. Fast forwarding to the present time, I'm 32 and I have a 10 year old son and as odd as it seems, I now feel that I'm back to feeling as if I was in my 20s. My son is way mature than any kids of his age...and me, well, I don't really feel my age and certainly don't act like one...I guess only now that I'm at this age do I feel what I have missed when I was in my 20s. I've gone through break-ups and being a single mother along the way, but I guess things do happen for a reason. I wasn't able to finish college which I feel that I was a big disappointment to my family, but I guess I've learned more than anything or anywhere through experience. Things that you don't get to learn in school. No regrets definitely. At 32, most of the time, still being told that I was immature...but, oh well, it feels great to feel young and why be in a hurry? we'll all get there...:) I would always say, life is short. Enjoy every minute of it. Have a good heart. And always smile. Appreciate everything that you have and always be thankful. We may not always look young, but we could definitely always feel young and no one can stop us ;)
xoxo bee
Hi Bianca,
Happy Anniv! I'll just make my story short. I'm 21 and 3 years ago I met this wonderful girl named Myra. I'm 3 years older than her. She was still in high school when I first met her. It started out as a bet that eventually grew deeper. By the way we're both girls. It was one hell of a roller coaster ride. Biggest enemy was our family and the society. It was great until I started lying and becoming more impatient because of our situation. It wasn't perfect but we had a blast. Eventually, she found someone new during our troubled times. Karma for me.
Now, I'm with someone new but she still holds the biggest part of me. It was her love that I was used to. How I wish totoo yung sa Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, sana ganun kadali magbura ng alaala. Pero hindi eh. I may be young but I know what I'm feeling for this girl will eventually carry on until I grow old. She was so patient, and I was so stupid coz I took her for granted. From strangers we came to strangers we go back. She changed a lot after our breakup and I blame myself for that kasi alam ko isa ko sa mga rason bakit naging ganun siya. But I can't do anything about it now coz we have our own lives. Like they say it's beautiful sadness. You don't really know what you've got til' it's gone. Never a day goes by that I don't think of her.
God has His ways talaga of showing us that when one part of your life falls apart there's another one that rises. After the incident, may good news, our papers came and I finally got to see my parents after 20 long years and my sister that I haven't even seen since she was born. I'm here in the US right now and every time na naiisip ko lahat ng nangyari, sinasabi ko na lang sa sarili ko na maybe it all happened accordingly. Maybe we had to let go of our love because I was leaving anyway. Maybe it's His way of saying na "I have something better for you," Which is finally being able to be with my family. Who knows, maybe it'll all work out for us someday. Change is constant and I learned it the hard way. By losing someone I love so much. What's important is that I learned something from it, make my life better so that it won't happen again and cherish every one in my life coz in a snap He can take them away from you.
To Myra,
Thank you for making me feel alive. I still and always will love you.
I feel so left-out since I never went through a break-up before ;)
Anyway, I'm fifteen, and it's definitely the best year. When I was thirteen we had to move here to Canada. I strongly disagreed with the plan but I ended up going with the family anyways. It was a tough time. I mean, I just finished my first year in high school and I thought, man, this is life! High school is definitely the bomb! I just wish I could stay as a freshman forever! But it wasn't my fate. My fate met me here in Ontario, Canada. I had to grow up. Those really good times I had in the Philippines were like a chapter in a book. A good chapter. But I have to turn the page now. I don't have to close the book, I just have to turn the page. I've been reading a lot this summer and I've learned a heck of a lot of things. I've also started a journal a couple of days ago and as I read through them, I realized, man, I've matured! I grew up. I thought I could never ever let go of my childhood. Well, I didn't and I never will for it will always be in my heart but that doesn't mean that I have to live like that. I just have to start something new. Something fresh. There're just so many things in this life that're just sitting around the corner, we pass by them all the time but never really notice or acknowledge them. I mean, we've got to open our eyes and of course, our hearts. We've got to allow our hearts to wander around the pond and just admire the fish we never knew even existed. We musn't keep them forever locked in misery merely for the sake of safety. We are vulnerable and will always be vulnerable. It's a crazy world we live in, you know. And yes, life is painful, but we gotta embrace it. Embrace it while we can. After all, it's the most precious gift freely given by our Glorious One.
Wow! Who would've thought those words would come from me? :P
Where to begin! Well, I don't want to make this long. So I'll go over it in the simplest way possible.
My name is Sam and I'm 20 years old. When I was 13, I was diagnosed with a disease called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, or SLE for short. It's an auto-immune disease and what it does is you know how our white blood cells are supposed to be the soldiers of our bodies who fight and destroy unhealthy cells that may have viruses and diseases? When you have SLE, your white blood cells destroy even the healthy cells causing any of your organs (as in ANY) to malfunction or worse, fail. In my case, my kidneys were the first one affected. SLE has no known cause and no known cure (yet! I like to believe someday, there will be).
It was all so stressful and frustrating. Everytime I'd get better, there'd be hope, only to be disappointed for countless times when SLE would strike back again. Like I said, it has no known cure yet so the best you can do is "deactivate" it. It was hard physically, emotionally and spiritually. While my friends are busy thinking about the perfect dress for prom, I found myself in the dark of my room, crying my heart out, asking "Why me, God?" I got mad at Him. There was a time when I got tired of praying 'cause it felt like He wasn't even listening. I doubted not only Him but my existence in this world. Why can't I just live a normal teenage life like my friends?
Later, I don't know how but I found myself suddenly seeking for Him. It felt like my soul was so thirsty for His presence. It was a struggle, but with guidance from my parents and a few trusted relatives and friends, I got closer to God. And slowly but surely, He increased my faith. He sent a lot of instruments of grace in my life -- even strangers! And then, slowly but surely, miracles were unfolding right before my very eyes.
I used to look at SLE as the biggest pest ruining my life and destroying my dreams. Now, I look at it as a gift. Can you believe it? The one thing that made me suffer so bad, I now see as a gift. Because SLE is something that God seemingly used to shake me, and tell me, "Sam, you're special. I'm going to use you someday, you're going to do many great things that will give your life utter joy and happiness. You're going to live a life of meaning."
God is awesome. He works in mysterious ways. Last year, I got sick and had to check how active my Lupus was. Guess what! I tested negative on SLE! Meaning, it is now inactive. Just one of the many miracles in my life! :)
Because of my journey with Lupus, I now have a different perspective in life and a better one, I hope. I now look at the world and see it in a different light. I have a vision and a mission in my life that I just can't wait to make happen.
So there you go. I know struggles and new challenges will still come, I mean it doesn't end there, does it? But I can say, I'm ready, I'm stronger and will keep growing stronger. I appreciate how in our life, we never really run out of opportunities to grow and take any given moment as a learning experience. :)
Happy 7th anniversary, superbianca!
P.S. This is totally long! Sorry about that! I hope I at least inspired you, Bianca! God bless you! :)
2 thumbs up for your bloggie bianca and thanks for being an inspiration to all of us.
story that i wanted to share..
way back high school.. maybe for me it was just puppy love but for the guy, maybe it wasn't.. i had broke his heart so many times but never did he gave up on me..then time had come that we really had to part ways..
i admit, after high school i was just too in denial with the fact that i haven't moved on completely.. at times i wonder if he still thinks of me because i did and i had never stopped..
just this year, our paths had crossed...maybe it's a small world after all..right?!we've rekindled the friendship.. Some of our common friends were teasing me… saying I should win him back then I replied “unya na lagi kung sure na jud ko” (I just wanted to be sure this time. So let’s wait and see). days had passed then something’s bothering me and it was the thought of me being sure of what I truly felt towards him.. Then I made sure that im going to win him back, by hook or by crook. Yes, it did happen. We were like finally back into each other’s arms again… i was like, me and him forever together but not knowing that it was just for awhile…the pleasure of it really didn’t last that long. Yes, we parted again..We parted for our own sakes. It was a complicated thing because he had to face his responsibility with the other woman from his past. Yeah, I felt like i was an ice that been crushed to death.
It was painful, very very painful. there was one time that I wished to sleep and never wake up again but I realized, life must go on and I know, god has something better in stored for me.
Lesson learned: Be prepared of the consequences of your actions. if you’re given the chance to have it, never doubt, grab it right away, take care of it and especially, live with it as if it’s your last.
Contrary to your most recent post, I'm afraid to grow old. I always say, I wanna stay 19 forever.. But then I turned 20, 21 and turning 22 this coming september. Inevitable, I know. But still, I wanna be forever young. Sabi ko nga baka makulitan si Lord saken at kuhanin nako.. hehe. Anyhoo, my grow up story was all about dealing with changes and accepting it. People change. Somehow, at some point, nagkakaron din ng break up ang magkaibigan. In my case, we were once the friends-for-life type. The friends-forever choochoo..but then, may mga bagay na nangyayare na no matter how much u wanted to save the friendship, the other side won't just cooperate. To think na petty quarrels lang. So, I decided to just stop hoping and trying na maaayos pa.. Instead I let go. It's about time to stop sulking in bitterness. It's about time to embrace the change.. That the people u thought u couldn't live without can actually continue living their lives WITHOUT you. So why bother? Pagtuunan ng pansin ang mga taong mahal ka at kailangan ka.. Kesa sa mga taong gusto mong isama sa mundo mo pero pilit na umaalis at lumalayo:) sayang pero that's the way of life. People always leave sabi nga ni Peyton Sawyer.. Let go of the friends who no longer belong in your world and who don't want to be in ur world. We're growing up, we change, it's either u and ur friend embrace the new person in you or pakawalan na lang ang lahat dahil hindi matanggap ang pagbabago:)
In friendship, what matters most is who will make it to the end with you.ü
This is a little off-tangent, but these were my thoughts when I turned thirty: http://bit.ly/9HCZng. Cheers.
"Life:what you see is what you get."This is a feeling that keeps on coming back to me. I remember when I was Grade 5, I shared this feeling to my classmate and she told me she might have felt the same way too about life. Now, I'm already a college student and I still know how to get to that feeling of stagnation,of trying to stop the world for a while and realize that you're a small piece in this busy world and the cycle comes very repetitive. I'm not sure if it's a feeling of maturity or a feeling of innocence.
Back when I was elementary,I've lived a simple life with my family in a rural area. I could say we are financially stable that time. We have many businesses and my parents could really manage to finance my 3 siblings who were all studying in college that time. Problems do exist but we could solve it as a family.
But one accident happened in our family in October 2005 which withdrew all the assets our parents have saved for us. I'm forced to work during my high school years to sustain my education. I received a scholarship from a private company but I still have to work to cover my living expenses. I go to school from 7 in the morning to 5 pm in the afternoon.I've got 1 hour to meet up with my organizations and extra-curricular affairs. By 6 pm, I need to travel for 1 1/2 hours to go for work.I have tutorial sessions with a high school student 36 kilometers from my high school. I finish tutorial by 10 pm. Walk to the house of my aunt where I am staying.Make assignments and study for 2 hours. And sleep by 12 midnight.The next day I have to wake up dawn at 5 am to prepare myself for school and travel the 36 kilometers for school in 2 rides.Then do the same routine for the rest of the weekend.
For others,weekends are family moments. But for me, weekend is my only rest time. But I never complain though, for I knew that there's a good plan ahead for me.What I only need to do is to strike a balance between my academics and my work.I maintained to be in the top of our batch and salutatorian in the graduation exercises.
Today, I still work and I'm now in my 3rd year in university taking up BS Chemical Engineering. I'm still active in school and consistently in the dean's list.
I know that in every day, there's a lesson that we learn. Even if we make the same mistakes in the past, maturity is the measure of how we are able to come up with rational decisions in the gray areas of our lives.
Our choices are reflective of how mature we are. The path that we are taking hones our inner maturity. In the end, you can choose to be mature or not. Life is a continuous learning process.
Happy 7th blognniversary!
Funny, my friends and I were just talking about this. All my friends said that they still want to maintain their looks when they get older and I said, "When I'm older, I want to be wrinkly. I already spent my 20s caring about the way I look. I don't want to spend the next 20 years still doing that."
My story:
This experience, I barely talk about because...well...after 3 years, it's still painful. But because I never got to thank you for replying to my twitter post, here it is...
In Aug 2007 my grandmother passed away. Cardiac arrest. No warnings, not even a final goodbye. And for someone who hasn't seen her for 7 years, for someone who's just saved enough money for a suprise visit, the pain is indescribable.
It's not just losing someone you love, it's losing the person you love the most. Would I take it back if I had the chance to? Honestly, I would. But I also know that she's in paradise and what kind of person would I be if I took that away?
Painful as it was, I survived it. I thank God for giving me the strength when it felt like I had nothing left in me.
The best thing about painful experiences is when we realize that we're stronger, braver and smarter than we ever thought possible.
Adv. happy birthday! :) Here is my story. I'm currently 18 years of age. When I was just 12, things started to get bad between my parents. They were always fighting, and being the eldest of 3 sisters, I had the heavy task of explaining to my younger siblings why my parents shout, and blame each other. You see, my parents wed when they were 22, because I suddenly became a part of the picture. They were young then, and came from different family backgrounds - you could say that everyone is against their relationship. But they became married anyway. My mom came from a well-off family, while my dad didn't have money to continue to college. FF, my parents tried to continue putting up with each other, and as their child it was painful to see them drifting apart. They finally broke it off when I was 15, then my dad had to leave or else he wouldn't be allowed to see us again. And my mom, works as an OFW abroad. This became the hardest break life threw at me. I had to stand and be the parents of my two younger sisters at 15, while im in high school. It was very difficult to be like a parent when you yourself think like a child. My mom was far away, earning money for our expenses, while my dad was also away doing God knows what. It was a huge blow since my sisters are really young and I HAVE to take care of them. We have close relatives who check up on us once in awhile because we're all minors. But they don't really help us, and I have to do things myself. I learned the value of self-reliance at an early age, because practically, I couldn't ask help from even my relatives. I regularly take remittances abroad from my mother, and have to budget them monthly. I paid all the bills, maintained the houses, paid tuition fees, and shop for groceries. I cook the food for me and my sisters, learned how to wash clothes, and iron them. I bring my sisters to school and fetch them. And at home, I still have to help them with their lessons and homework. Late at night, I do my own homework. And I sleep for about less than 7 hours a night just so I can do all my responsibilities.
Somehow, I felt bad because I have to suffer the most from the breakup of my parents. I felt extremely jealous of my friends who'd have the liberty of going out and having fun, while I am always stuck at home babysitting my sisters. I don't have time for myself that everything became so unhealthy for me, I lost social skills and even my studies were compromised. I even thought of marrying myself away to some rich old man, just so I can free away from the burden of my responsibilities. But I loved my family so much, I decided to bear through it. And I loved my mother so much that I badly wanted to help her, and make things easier for her. Sometimes, I would cry because of financial problems or difficulty in managing things - and that is when I turn to my close circle of girlfriends for support. They always helped me even in tiny ways like doing the dishes. At least, they make me feel better because they understand me. When I was 15, I went to prom wearing a very beautiful gown my mother saved up for and purchased for me. I felt really good. When I was 16, I had a boyfriend and we're still together this day. He knows everything I've been thru and he continues to help me fulfill my tasks. Every year on my birthday, my girl friends will be there to celebrate with me. Since I can rarely go out, we hold movie marathons at our house and treat each other to junk foods as our bonding session. When I was 17, I got accepted into my dream university, and got excited about college.I realized that I didn't really miss out on youthful experiences. I still got to feel them like a teenager growing up. I felt normal now because I didn't really miss out on my childhood just because of early responsibilities. And I just turned 18 last July. Somehow, I really don't feel like I'm 18, I feel I am much more older than that, because my way of viewing the world changed and so did my values and priorities. But the significance of my 18th birthday is that, I learned to appreciate youth and life. I am so thankful to God for making me strong throughout the years, and he helped me appreciate life better because of the hard work. i feel like I wouldn't be as responsible and mature now, if not for my experience. As a former minor, I was so excited for my 18th birthday. It was a special turning point for me, that I am past my young years, and into the transition of being a young adult. I am proud to say that I have the strength of facing much more difficulty in the future. With the help of God, my family, my close knit of friends, and the people who helped me, I learned that problems wouldn't stay for I know I'll easily see answers and solutions due to the support of the wonderful people around me. :) And that is the most important life lesson I learned to date.
-raven. :)
I realized that I didn't really miss out on youthful experiences. I still got to feel them like a teenager growing up. I felt normal now because I didn't really miss out on my childhood just because of early responsibilities. And I just turned 18 last July. Somehow, I really don't feel like I'm 18, I feel I am much more older than that, because my way of viewing the world changed and so did my values and priorities. But the significance of my 18th birthday is that, I learned to appreciate youth and life. I am so thankful to God for making me strong throughout the years, and he helped me appreciate life better because of the hard work. i feel like I wouldn't be as responsible and mature now, if not for my experience. As a former minor, I was so excited for my 18th birthday. It was a special turning point for me, that I am past my young years, and into the transition of being a young adult. I am proud to say that I have the strength of facing much more difficulty in the future. With the help of God, my family, my close knit of friends, and the people who helped me, I learned that problems wouldn't stay for I know I'll easily see answers and solutions due to the support of the wonderful people around me. :) And that is the most important life lesson I learned to date.
Excellent posts are the ones that make people think. At tinulak kami ng post na 'to sa magkakahiwalay na parte ng bahay ni "Bunso" para mag-dream sequence ng "Growing up story" namin. "Boss Chip" Had the best true story kaya yung kanya na lang.
Minsan lang kami magkaron ng pagkakataon na magsama-sama at makabisita sa ibang blog kaya susulitin na namin. Mahabang kwento 'to, ok lang tamarin magbasa.
"Growing up story" ni "Boss Chip"
Englishin ko para medyo cute, eto na... I used to not care about anybody but myself. I had close friends and a fun/quirky family that I loved, but I didn't let anyone penetrate my personal life deep enough to make me care if they (God forbid)disappeared from my life. I never knew how I became like that. It was just the way I was.
I had a habit of just suddenly "hybernating" in my room. Not to sleep, but to get away from other people. It was my way of recharging myself. It usually lasts about 2 to 3 months. Just going outside my room to eat. I would watch TV and DVDs, write compositions, and beef up my portfolio designing sample print ads. When I want the feel of having company, I "trip" on chatters on the net. When I say "trip" on chatters, what I mean is play stupid when talking with them. I wasn't a real chatter, I did it for the stupid reason of amusing myself. Yes, I know, I was a jerk. Little did I know that being a jerk would win me a good friend online.
It started out like every tripping session. They say "hi", I say "hi". They type in "ASL", I play stupid and ask "What's ASL?". They tell me "Age, Sex, and Location.", and I say "Ohhh, ok." and so on. They didn't get a single serious answer from me. I didn't want to flirt, and I wasn't interested on having a real conversation with anyone. But there was this one girl who was firing back at my sarcasm and stupid comments, and she just won't quit. I don't know how it happened but i found myself smiling at her remarks and comebacks. Eventually we got to know each other more and we told our real names to one another, but still no flirting or real serious talks. Just bantering and sharing opinions, almost a fun debate. There were no moments of silence since I would just say "BOOM!" whenever there was dead air during our talk. It was a first time for me to enjoy talking with someone on the net. There was a moment that I wondered what that girl looked like but the thought just went away. We didn't exchange pictures like the typical chatter did. It just seemed inappropriate at the time. She found out that I write compositions, and asked if she could see one. I told her I'll show her one the following day because I didn't have my files on the computer that I was using. She didn't believe me, but I told her "May isang salita ako." (A phrase that would bite me on the butt later on) Our conversation ended very platonic. I told her it was surprisingly pleasant talking to her. She told me I was an OK person but still a jerk, then we said our goodbyes. Even though it was obvious that we enjoyed talking with each other, there were no exchange of email addresses, phone numbers, or any contact infos. It was just left like that. I didn't go back online to chat again after that time.
---continuation on next pace. Hindi kinaya ng comment box.
H-A-P-P-Y Anniversary!
May you continue to blog well pass the age of 30. lol
when I turned 18 I wasnt sure if I can ..be an adult..6 years on--m in another country..First time on my own,without my family or friends. I thought I would lose myself,in their culture beliefs,idealogies..but everyday since ive been here I have never felt more proud to be a filipino.our culture and values,I will never trade for a fair skin blue eyed sheltered and priviledged life. It got me out of my shell. I learned to fend for my self and be strong. appreciated what I had and still have--myself.my family and friends back home..Im not where I'm supposed to be but I think i'm getting there..
Hi friend! Hope you still remember me. I also hope you still remember my blog about you http://pen08.blogspot.com/2005_02_01_archive.html and this was way back 2005. What I want to share with you is just something like a life experience.
Before, they say that it’s really hard getting to know a friend if the person is linked in showbusiness. They say that most of them are just plain ‘plastic’ to get more fans and to make them more ‘sikat’. I was thinking that maybe somewhere, there’s this one person who’s still on the ground and maybe be friends with me. And in 2004 I was right. This was a humbling experience for me. You responded to my email and was like excited to have a friend from Cebu. I was really taken aback. Wow, it’s like why did she reply to me when I’m just a plain nobody. But then again, you can’t always judge a person straight away specially when the person is from showbiz. And the rest was history. Watching Y Speak in the wee hours of the night…and watching your career grow. At least I can say that I have a friend from showbiz who I really met from Day 1. Take good care of yourself and God bless! Stephen
Feeling ko madaming break-up stories dito.haha.
Ean ko pero feeling ko break-ups really make you grow up, kahit ayaw mo pa, required ata na agmature ka after a break up.haha.
Well, mine happened a year ago. :) My 2-year relationship ended because pinagpalit ako sa isang kaibigan. It was difficult because kung sinong friend ng ex ko, friends ko din.
I had to leave our org because I just couldn't stand it. It was extremely depressing because I really thought that I was alone, but good thing that I was able to read your blog and your posts about your relationship with GoD, so ayun, it inspired me to be closer to Him and with that, nagfocus ako on other things like career, studies, and of course, myself.
I also realized that there is life after a very very bad break breakup. I'm not rushing. I'm only 20 so I'm still enjoying singlehood. But still, even if my experience would have been enough to make me jaded about love, i'm happy it didn't. I'm still that hopeless romantic searching for "the one."
Hi Ms. Bianca, Im Jodel of Pasig, im a fan of yours eversince.
I've turned 23 last february. Happy 7th Anniversary to your blog, ive been reading it since 2006 and im enjoying it at the same time it gives me lessons in life through your experiences.
I've had this experince that made me grow as an individual.
I've been diagnosed of having disease.
Back then, i was just a happy-go-lucky teenager, i just eat whatever i want, i dont exercise, a sedentary lifestyle.
Because of my condition, i've realized that, i'ts time for me to be responsible for taking care of myself, be considerate of what i eat, and do everything that can make my body healthy.
That's it. thank you for reading my post.=)
I've noticed that most of the comments are about break ups. Mine is about that too, except it's between my parents. I just recently found out that they got their marriage annulled. They did it behind my back. That changed me completely. Before I found out, I was so naive. I was living in my own perfect little bubble thinking how lucky I was. Because of that, I realized that relationships are not perfect... that a fairytale love story only exists on fairytales...that you need to put your heart out completely for it to work... that it's not a one way street... that getting hurt is inevitable... that promises are meant to be broken...
But no matter how scary it is to fall in love, loving someone is still worth all the risks.
I was also forced to grow up when I went to college and stayed in a dormitory. I am an only child and I was used to having the room all to myself. I was forced to fend for myself because no one else will do that for me, you know, being away from home and everything. At sixteen, I learned to live away from the comforts of my own home. I learned to mingle with different kinds of people. I learned to stand firm on my convictions. I learned to survive on my own. Would you believe that I didn't know how to commute? When I was a freshman at UST isang way lang ng jeep ang alam kong sakyan. I cried when sa Dapitan ako ibinaba at hindi sa Espana, yun pala pwede din dun, toinks!
Now, at twenty one (I'll be twenty two on September) I'm happy to say that I'm ready to take on more challenges. Parang spikes lang ng kalaban sa Volleyball. Lakasan mo pa! Bring it on! =)
warning: this is really long. (an entry from my blog)
Tittle: pretending to be adult
A response post to superbianca.blogspot.com
Hi Bianca, I’m Yuli. I graduated college at 19, became a licensed professional at 20, and currently having my so-called superhero training in one of the hospitals of the country that cater the largest number of patients.
It was around 2 months ago when I was still an ordinary human creature. I sleep late, wake up lake, eat brunch, surf the net, movie marathons, then sleep late, wake up late again… it was a cycle of worry and stressless lifestyle. A Bum Life! Things were so simple.
Everything changed when I started to save lives and joined this hospital training. I have to wake up before the sun shines and be very mindful on how I spend my 24hours. When I step in the hospital, it was like there’s a transfiguration in my whole being (like how cars transform into robots in Transformers). At 20, I am forced to act like a real adult. In my career, there is no space for weak links, no errors should be committed, I have to work efficiently and accurately, in short…close to perfection.
There were couple of times when I witness people fighting for their last breathes, there were also some instances when I need to comfort patients who were informed that there’s no cure for their illness and they just have to wait for their doom. I’ve also seen some people crying their lungs out as doctors pronounce that their loved ones already left them. In my head, I would ask myself, What in the world is going on? Isn’t it, it was just few months ago when I was so carefree? And in a sudden, I’m standing on the real world, pretending to be adult, compressing chest to assist the heart on pumping blood, teaching parents how to take care of their sick children, inserting needles on veins for fluids, and during my free time I still have to read about the medical cases that I encounter and familiarize the medicines that I give. This whole situation is frenzy, It's emotionally, physically and intellectually challenging. But this is how I choose my life to be. Although I agree to you that at 20’s, were confuse on what we really want in life. I myself want to do a lot of things too, like pursuing photography, writing books, travel the world and study philosophy. I think, when you decide do something, you really have to make a commitment to stand by to that decision, no matter what it takes. I decided to become a superhero, and if I have to grow up fast to become a hero, then I will.
Life can teach us lessons in brutal or weird way. God does not throws things on us that he knows we can’t surpass. So whenever were on a plight, I believe we are still blessed. We should keep thinking positive because for sure, he is preparing us for something better and greater out there.
It was too long, the comment box couldn't take it, sorry.
The whole/continuation of the story is here--> http://www.mgaepal.com/2010/08/share-to-inspire.html
Hi Bianca!
Great interview with Mariel a while ago, by the way.
So here's my growing up story. It was basically about making the biggest decision of my life.
March 1, 2010: Got hired by the Philippine General Hospital. It was one of those I have to take this job because I have nowhere else to go to kind of thing. So there I was, praying everyday that the Lord will sustain for the 3 long years that I will stay there. Two weeks into the job and I just realized: THIS IS NOT THE THING I WANT TO DO FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. LET ALONE FOR THE NEXT 3 YEARS.
I had to analyze and re-analyze. I thought that maybe since it was only a few weeks into work, baka I was just stressed out and adjusting. But I realized, no! It all has everything to do with love and passion. I was not happy because this was not the career I love. I was limited. It was hard for me to excel because I knew that my heart belonged to an entirely different career. So I had to decide. Shall I leave a demanding yet high-paying job, risk the ire and disappointment from my parents who were already very clear from the start that they were against me pursuing Law School or follow my heart and live with passion?
May 1, 2010. That was the end of Labor Day for me. I resigned and pursued my dream of becoming a lawyer. And as they say I have never been happier.
That is my grown-up moment.
Foregoing a job that paid well but would be a misery because it is not something I love and going after my passion.
They say when you are not willing to die for your dream then maybe it is not for you, it's true. 2003, the day I entered UP was the day I realized I wanted to be a lawyer. 2010: This is me doing what I want. FINALLY.
My daily mantra: "I am thankful for the many times my head has ached, the many times I have failed and the many times I am short on a lot of things. It is with these imperfections and shortcomings that I am so grateful to be alive. The harder life gets, the happier I become. It is with my troubles that I am assured of ...a better future. This is THE life and I am so damn glad it is MY life."
I was trying to sum up my 21 year life into a few words and this is what I came up with. After re-reading it for the nth time, I felt that I've grown. In as much as I am still a brat and in as much as I choose to go things my own way, I have learned the very essence of limitation. And maybe today, I really am 21. I never wanted to age. A lot of times I felt 16 was just perfect and how I wished I stayed 16 forever. And then you get through college. And then you graduate and then you become something, if not now, at least soon. Growing up is something I dreaded to come. Maybe because the comforts of the ideal teen life sets everything in the right place. Thinking about the simple things that make you feel that it is the end of your world and all of a sudden you realize that the stupid of all things are those that you worry about.
There was nothing in this world that I did not want to happen other than just being happy. The thing about being young is that you want every day of your life to be a fairytale in disguise. Even the minute of all actions make you want to be sure that everything will be fine. Yesterday, it was all about the "in" shoe and how having it depended your life on it.
But today is a very different story.
Nothing really happened out of the ordinary. It just takes one waking moment and you realize you take things in a different and much deeper perspective. All the while, I realized that the biggest troubles and dilemma I go through make me very much fulfilled and contented. Whenever I am under the heat of all pressures, my heart screams for more pain as I feel that every form of failure and hardship makes everything better. Today, I feel blessed when I know I am not able to buy something. I feel utmost contentment when I am going through something painful. I feel complete and safe for the many tears I have shed. At most times, I know that every time I am in a lot of trouble, I am bound to be happy after. I am destined to be victorious one way or the other.
The many the problems, the better and happier I become. Such twisted form of belief. Yeah, I know. But with this belief, I feel that life has matured me a thousandfold. The many times people are in the state of darkness, they look up and say, "Why me?" -- as for me, I let out a deep sigh of relief and thank God for the possibility of an upcoming form of happiness.
The wheel is a round one all the time. One time you're down, but you're destined to go up after, one way or the other. It takes a lot of maturity to accept the things that come to us unarmed and it even takes another ounce of maturity to accept the painstaking effects of some aspects of our life. But with it, I am fully satisfied. At least I am assured that the sun will shine.
Hey, no pain, no gain. :)
I learned if you can not communicate in a relationship then love can not communicate in the relationship. Maybe I will post whole story later. Maybe not lol. Congrats on your blogs anniversary.
It was the 24th of July; there He was patiently waiting for my arrival. For at that precise moment He knew that I would be born. He was looking carefully making sure that I was safe ‘til I came. He was the happiest person at that moment. No words could describe how He felt for it was more than joy. But suddenly He was alarmed when He saw I couldn’t breathe, I could die before His very eyes, but He knew what to do… and made sure that I was alive. Day after day He watched me grow, through His eyes He looked at me with great love; He even watches me as I sleep. He remembers my life in detail. He’s recording my first smile, laugh, crawl until I can walk even the first day I rode a bike, He was the one who’s proudest for me. Days and years went by, He spent with me ‘til finally I thought I can live life on my own and so I decided to go my own way. I’ve neglected Him for the longest time only to come back when life gets hard.
Like when the time I first loved; I was the happiest, yet when some things aren’t meant to be, hearts get broken, and is beyond repair. You find yourself going home, because your heart knows where it came from. It was the first time in the longest time I ever thought of Him again, and there I gave Him my broken heart; isn’t it ironic? All he asked was for me to be weak so He could repair it. And there I was, newly upgraded and made whole. Ready to explore the world again… I was looking for something I couldn't find so I went to search in the wrong places. I was living a wasted life. But during a time, where I was running away from Him, he caught up with me and took me as His own. In the darkest moment of my life, where I’ve done a thing I’m not proud of, He took me and never let me go. For me this was what they call the U-turn moment in one’s life.
In that U-turn I forced to grow up and own up to my mistakes, and the same time surrender because nothing I could do can erase whatever I did. But still in my darkest hour I was loved. The very thing that I was chasing for was the one chasing after me. Two years passed since that glorious moment, it still the same love that I am holding unto… the same love that hugs me when I’m down, the love that washes me when I am dirty. A lesson I learned in my life is I can never be perfect and life is never perfect because it’s not supposed to be. We all make mistakes that leave us with scars. But I’ve learned those scars are not reminders of our defeat but a feature of our success, and one day those scars will shine like the stars. In Him each day is a new beginning, All we need to do is KEEP MOVING FORWARD.
Who is He you may ask? You know Him very well. You introduced Him to me. Can’t you remember? Okay, let me remind you. It was right here on your very blog.
“but there is only one thing that can heal all things broken. our LoRd and personal savior, JeSus ChRisT. when your heart is peaceful, give thanks. when your heart is troubled, still give thanks and ask for deliverance. when your heart is shattered into a million pieces, still give thanks, and ask that you may learn whatever life lesson it is that He wants you to learn. in both high and low, give thanks, because it is one of the surest things in life that GoD only works for the good of those who love Him.” http://superbianca.blogspot.com/2008_04_01_archive.html
I would like to take this opportunity to Thank You Bianca. Whenever I get lost, I always search for your entry “diary of a broken heart” Little did you know that you introduced me to Him, and changed my life forever. My heartfelt thanks! The least I could do is to share “our” love story with you. Keep touching Lives! God Bless You.
Life changing moment! After reading your blogs and tweets I learned that you started in this business as a production assistant and now one of the popular tv personality. I thought I can improve myself in this business not that being production assistant is an easy job or the low of the low in the business.
I started my own blog to help me express myself and maybe realize that I can do other things in this business besides the production side. Writing blogs also help me learn things about me and my closes friends didn't know about me. One of my friends realized that there is a possibility that I can write a book. She told me that after reading one of my blogs, she didn't know that I want to write a book and I told her that I didn't either until I reread what I wrote.
Another thing is when I spend time with other people aside from people that I regularly see everyday of my life. I have another friend that helped me see how other people see me. Personally, I know I like sports, but didn't know that I'm athletic. My athleticism was pointed out to me by telling me that I can't sit still for a long period of time, they noticed that I can throw a football, shoot basketball, etc. much better than they could; I'm always out doing something every time they call me. They tell me I can handle certain activity or workout regime cause I'm kind of athletic. I was also told that I'm conservative. I thought I was just a late bloomer, which I kind of as well as a conservative.
Writing blogs and hanging out with other people help me welcome the other personalities that I have and didn't know I have or that's been buried deep within me. I now know I can do things that I'm afraid to do or try and express my feelings.
That's my growing up and learning experience.
hi there bianca! :)
HAPPY 7th ANNIVERSARY! Your blog is just the sweetest! :)
hi miss bianca.. ive been reading ur blog since i dont know when.. basta it was you and ur blog inspired me then to create my own blog.. from then on, if ever i would have the time to go online i make sure to visit ur site.. dati daily p nga.. nong nasa college pako. pero nong grumaduate na ako medyo nabawasan, inaamin ko.. lalo n ung u enter pbb house, that was the time na hindi mo ndn maxado inupdate ung blogspot mo.. and so i went to multiply na.. i am really such a fan of yours.. haha. medyo weird pero i dont usually go gaga over r local talents.. though i know they r capable of having great talent and being one.. pero if ever ill see them s mall and the likes, wala lang.. haha i like the way you speak ur mind..kahit minsan play safe.. hehe pero lam ko na u have a good heart to be able to consider those around you..who will might get offended.
i saw you s samsung metrowear s the fort this year with ms mikaela (who is super pretty too like you :) ) pero hindi nako nagkachance na magsay hi to you e..(me and my gfs kc were busy that time..hehe, hunting those Brazilian models.. haha joke lng.) then nong aug1 s airport.. pauwi na sa pinas galing sg. we have the same flight.. nasa unahan lng pala kita.. haha. i was the the smiled and said hi to you nong nagaabang ka ng baggage mo.. u wore big glasses p nga e pero i recognize you padn xempre.. haha
happy 7th anniversary to ur blog. :) keep inspiring me and others.
Like you, I am also 27 years old.
I feel that I am blessed enough to know, as early as 23 years old, what my passions in life are. After becoming a CPA and worked my ass off in a multi-national company, I realized that I wasn't happy doing just that. My passion really is 'service' and there my true happiness resides. After almost working for 2 years, I decided to resign from work to become a Jesuit volunteer (without any salary) and to use my knowledge and skills towards something I am passionate about. I was assigned as an Accountant of a Mangyan (Indigenous Peoples) organization at Oriental Mindoro. My main task was to train them on how to manage their financial resources since none of them was a professional. For a year, I was with them and really immersed with their community and way of life. From that life-changing experience, I realized my call to serve the underprivileged like them. They inspired me to take up Bachelor of Law to further enhance my knowledge and skills and eventually help them with their plight due to the injustices they are experiencing in relation to their ancestral domains such as mining.
Together with this call, I am also a college professor in a university where I am able to inspire students of my experiences and hopefully to influence them to realize their own dreams and passions.
I also love to travel! I live by the famous line I have seen in a bag tag: "Live well. Love much. Travel often." <3
Hi Bianca,
First of all I thought you might like this since you mentioned you can't wait to become 30. http://www.futureme.org/
- send an email to your future self when you turn 30. I wrote my letter on my future self to be received on 2015 =)
Anyways here's my growing up experience I would like to share with you guys.
I was 22 in year 2004, it was my first time to work in a call center. Suddenly my supervisor told me that I have to transfer to a different account. I was scared like a little mouse because of the sudden change, I cried and I ask him if he doesn't value me anymore, and this is what he told me. " I am not your father nor your brother to pamper you. If there is a change, you need to adjust and adapt." It may be a hard punch in my gut but up until now I always carry with me what he said about accepting changes. Yes, sometimes there is a gradual change that happens in our lives, other times it will be fast and will leave us no choice but to accept it with a brave heart. Right now, I am happy with my position in the job and I've also finished another course ;) Had I insisted to stay on that account and defy my supervisor I guess, I won't be able to share with you this growing up experience ;)
- nightshade
Grabe it's been 7 years na pla since i started reading your blog..how time flies tlga..Marami din tlga akong natutunan from your entries...
"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. -- Gandhi"
guiding lines ko on how to handle all kind of situation in life, isa lang natutunan ko tlga in my 25 wonderful years dito sa earth, lahat may dahilan si God sa mga pangyayari sa buhay just leave it to him and all will go smoothly, face your problems, kasi hndi naman yan binigay ni God kung hndi mo kaya e...Basta wala ka lang tatapakang tao, all will be good. End your everyday with a smile and
appreciation prayer that you made the day and ask for strength to face the beautiful upcoming days.
More Power to YOU!!<3
January of this year, I got engaged at 23 years old. My fiance and I were buying a house and planning a 2011 wedding. I couldn't have been any happier. It's like my ultimate dream of getting married is right before my eyes, and everyone were just so happy for us.
But I guess God has a different plan. In May 2010, he broke up with me stating that I pressured him to get married. I was broken in a million pieces and there were days when I felt like I will crumble in a heap if I stand up. I mean, I wasn't even pregnant and I am too young to pressure anyone to marry me.
Anyway, today almost 3 months after the break-up, life was completely different but I got a taste of what I missed out on while I was in the relationship. I also figured out how I lost too much of myself while I was with my ex for 3 and a half years. The ultimate life lesson I learned is that we have to bend ourselves in accordance to God's plan. I believe that the engagement happened for a reason other than me actually getting married. I feel like God made it happen so that I will learn my lessons that will prepare me for my ultimate happy ending. =) We are all, after all, works in progress.
Happy Anniversary! I'm new blogger,well wala pa nga akong pinopost na blog,hahaha...
I'm 37yo and i don't feel my age,i feel like i'm still at my early 20's,tumigil kasi ako mgbilang ng age mula nung nag 18 ako kaya tuloy minsan pg may ngtanong na sa kin ng age ko nalilimutan ko na at di ako makasagot agad...
the moment in my life that forced me to grow up is when i got pregnant at the age of 24,i was shocked,i don't know what to do,i just go with the flow of what will happen next. mga magulang at mga tita ko ang ngdecide na ipakasal kami ng boyfriend ko (my hubby now),wala talaga kaming alam gawin kundi sumunod lang sa kanila kasi hindi rin talaga namin alam kung ano ang gagawin namin...luckily my mother is still alive at that time,she's always beside me the time i delivered my 1st baby,she helped me in everything,nagtatrabaho ako sya ang ngaalaga ng baby ko...
ngayon dalawa na ang anak ko at malalaki na sila,my daughter is turning 13 this coming december and my son is turning 10 this coming september...actually wala namang nakakatakot sa edad,it's just a number ika nga...just feel young as you are everyday di mo mafefeel na ganon na pala ang edad mo...
all my life I have only one fervent wish - to have a family on my own. one that is completely different from what I have. you see, I belong to a dysfunctional family, my father has been abusing my mother- emotionally, physically and morally for 22 years. I grew up hating him as I struggled to protect my mother and two sisters from his wrath.
despite the troubles at home, i tried hard to make my life right. I even managed to excel in class, graduating top of my class and was able to receive a scholarship to sustain my college education. I choose to do what is right even if at times I really want to rebel and give up. I did all these in the hopes that God will grant me my fervent wish.
I had my first relationship after college. he was from another religion. it came to a point that he had to choose between me and his beliefs. and he chose the latter. he asked me to convert to their religion instead. I was about to do it but in my heart I was not happy. and so, after 3 years of being a couple we call it quits. it broke my heart. I was so depressed at that time that I decided to be a bum for 6months. my dream of having a family vanished in thin air. and it hurts so badly.
I went into another relationship on the rebounds. but that too was not going anywhere. I realized it was the dumbest mistake I’ve ever committed. and so after almost a year of living in the dark, I’ve decided to fight back. I went back to school; got a job as a teacher and renew my relationship with God. it was then that I came across Bo Sanchez book How to find your one true love. That was dec.15, 2006.
fast forward to 2008, I met my husband to be. there was no initial attraction on our first meeting but from the first time I saw him I knew he is the ONE. as we get to know more about each other, I noticed he possessed all the uncompromisable qualities Bo was referring to in the book. although there was no formal courtship that took place, we just grew more into each other as time goes by. and I realized I love him more than I loved any boy in my life.
and so on February 5, 2009, I had my fervent wish came true. I said I do to the man who will make my wish a reality. as of the moment, Marlon and I are still living the kind of married life I have been working, fighting and wishing for in my life. we are so blessed that on Dec. 6, 2009 we have our early Christmas wish granted- ANDRE FRANCIS.
When I broke up with my first boyfriend, I thought that all my efforts were in vain. That God is not listening to my call. yet, now as I look back He was just only telling me that He is my biggest santa claus. He grants me my wish and more. I just have to believe, hold on to my faith and leave all my hopes unto His hands- He will definitely answer.
tnx bianca for inspiring many people by your blogs. happy 7th bday to your blog. by the way, i was also 27 when i had my wish granted...
I barely read blogs compared to most people, but everytime i would go ahead and read one i would always stop by to read yours.
I wanted to share my story with you. December 2007 when my life changed, my boyfriend of 5 years proposed and we were to get married October 2008. It was the happiest moment of my life. fast Forward to 2008, I got married went on my honeymoon and had fun. i was feeling that God blessed me so much, but then a week after i came back from my honeymoon, my dad told us that he was diagnosed with throat cancer...from then on sadness and disbelief was all i can think of, "what if he dies? "He was too young to die - 62"? My dad then started his treatment Dec of 2008 - he had a tracheostoomy put in , started chemo and radiation at the same time. By this time I realized - " This is really happening". The treatment really took a toll to my family because my dad looked exhausted and weak all the time but amidst all of that my dad kept on smiling, telling his funny jokes, emailing his friends and family and doing what he did best having the time of his life. Treatment lasted for 6 weeks, the last day of treatment my dad rang the infamous bell at the radiation center to proudly say he's done with his treatment... another milestone for us...I was happy... But.. two days after we had to rush him to the hospital for pneumonia, then a few days passed he bled and his heart stopped. I though he was gone - but as the Doctor said i was going to stop doing cpr but then we got a pulse. "it was a miracle" My dad survived for a month and a half.. My family were at the hospital every single day, clinging to small miracles everyday... But then March 17, 2009 - cancer free and still at the hospital my dad passed. It was the most unbearable pain a person can ever experienced.
That day made me grow up, it made me realized that life is indeed short and how important family and friends to your life. Losing someone that was responsible for molding you makes you understand that the reason he was strict with you when you were growing up is to prepare you for the time that he can't be there anymore to do it - and that he knows everything he taught you will be with you forever and will make you a better person. One thing I will miss about my dad - is my dad being just himself - the man who was contented with his life, and that all he did was not for himself but for his family. lastly, I wanted to share to you a small display i bought that summed up everything i felt for my dad "Dad's greatest gift he gave me was to believe in me".
*I am really glad i wrote this , it made me cry writing this but it was a relief sharing it to you. :o). thanks!
all my life I have only one fervent wish - to have a family on my own. one that is completely different from what I had then. you see, I belong to a dysfunctional family, my father has been abusing my mother- emotionally, physically and morally for 22 years. I grew up hating him as I struggled to protect my mother and two sisters from his wrath.
despite the troubles at home, i tried hard to make my life right. I even managed to excel in class, graduating top of my class and was able to receive a scholarship to sustain my college education. I choose to do what is right even if at times I really want to rebel and give up. I did all these in the hopes that God will grant me my fervent wish.
I had my first relationship after college. he was from another religion. it came to a point that he had to choose between me and his beliefs. and he chose the latter. he asked me to convert to their religion instead. I was about to do it but in my heart I was not happy. and so, after 3 years of being a couple we call it quits. it broke my heart. I was so depressed at that time that I decided to be a bum for 6months. my dream of having a family vanished in thin air. and it hurts so badly.
I went into another relationship on the rebounds. but that too was not going anywhere. I realized it was the dumbest mistake I’ve ever committed. and so after almost a year of living in the dark, I’ve decided to fight back and get out of the pit I am in. I went back to school to get my masters; got a job as a teacher and renew my relationship with God. it was then that I came across Bo Sanchez book “How to find your one true love”. That was dec.15, 2006.
fast forward to 2008, I met my husband to be. there was no initial attraction on our first meeting but from the first time I saw him I knew he is the ONE. as we get to know more about each other, I noticed he possessed all the non-negotiable qualities Bo was referring to in the book. although there was no formal courtship that took place, we just grew more into each other as time goes by. and I realized I love him more than I loved any man in my life.
and so on February 5, 2009, I had my fervent wish granted. I said I do to the man who will make my wish a reality. as of the moment, Marlon and I are still living the kind of married life I have been working, fighting and wishing for in my life. we are so blessed that on Dec. 6, 2009 we have our early Christmas wish granted- ANDRE FRANCIS.
when I broke up with my first boyfriend, I thought that all my efforts to be good were in vain. that God is not listening to my call. yet, now as I look back He was just only telling me that He is my biggest santa claus. He grants me my wish and more. I just have to believe, hold on to my faith and leave all my hopes unto His hands- He will definitely answer. And He did granted me my fervent wish.
tnx bianca for inpiring many people through your blogs and happy 7th anniversary.by the way, i was also 27 when i had my wish granted.
Hi Bianca, I believe my best (but sad) growing up experience was when my Dad died...on my graduation day. :(
Full story here: http://roniflores.blogspot.com/2010/07/my-dad-should-have-been-58-years-old.html
By the way, my blog is called "The Diary of a Super Girl"...Quite similar to yours, but I know nauna ka :D
God bless and more power!
I have lived in Texas for 8 years now but since i started subscribing to TFC a year ago, I started to read your blog when i would get a chance. I rarely read blogs but would always stop by to read yours.
I wanted to share my story with you. December 2007 , I was 27 when my life changed, my boyfriend of 5 years proposed and we were to get married October 2008. It was the happiest moment of my life. fast Forward to 2008, I got married went on my honeymoon and had fun. i was feeling that God blessed me so much, but then a week after i came back from my honeymoon, my dad told us that he was diagnosed with throat cancer...from then on sadness and disbelief was all i can think of, "what if he dies? "He was too young to die - 62"? My dad then started his treatment Dec of 2008 - he had a tracheostoomy put in , started chemo and radiation at the same time. By this time I realized - " This is really happening". The treatment really took a toll to my family because my dad looked exhausted and weak all the time but amidst all of that my dad kept on smiling, telling his funny jokes, emailing his friends and family and doing what he did best having the time of his life. Treatment lasted for 6 weeks, the last day of treatment my dad rang the infamous bell at the radiation center to proudly say he's done with his treatment... another milestone for us...I was happy... But.. two days after we had to rush him to the hospital for pneumonia, then a few days passed he bled and his heart stopped. I though he was gone - but as the Doctor said i was going to stop doing cpr but then we got a pulse. "it was a miracle" My dad survived for a month and a half.. My family were at the hospital every single day, clinging to small miracles everyday... But then March 17, 2009 - cancer free and still at the hospital my dad passed. That day when everyone was crying and was devastated i had to be strong eventhough i am experiencing the most unbearable pain a person can feel, because being the eldest i have to step up and take responsibilities for all the arrangements to take away the burden from my mom.
My dad's passing made me realized that life is indeed short and how important family and friends are to your life.It also reaffirmed my faith to God - that miracles no matter how small they are happens.
Losing someone that was responsible for molding you makes you understand that the reason he was strict with you when you were growing up is to prepare you for the time that he can't be there anymore to do it - and that he knows everything he taught you will be with you forever and will make you a better person. One thing I will miss about my dad - is my dad being just himself - the man who was contented with his life, and that all he did was not for himself but for his family. lastly, I wanted to share to you a small display i bought that summed up everything i felt for my dad "Dad's greatest gift he gave me was to believe in me".
*I am really glad i wrote this , it made me cry writing this but it was a relief sharing it with you. :o). thanks! Again happy anniversary!!!
hi bianca,
i'm an avid follower of your blog. you serve as an inspiration. i would like to share some of the lessons i learned over the summer. currently, i am in florida working as a middle school teacher...thank you for this opportunity..God bless you...
summer ... things i've learned, discovered and re-discovered
a very special and dear friend of mine told me to always be happy and that life is too short to sulk...what if i'm sad or depressed or stressed or just plain out of it, i retorted...he said, sleep... i laughed... but his words hold the truth. sometimes, life need not be taken too seriously because it will take care of itself.
it's amazing how changes can dramatically change and transform one's life. rainer maria rilke struck right through the core when he wrote one moment your life is a stone in you, and the next, a star. so, here are the things that summer lovingly bestowed on me, bejeweled moments, traveling, food, wine, laughter, joy, culture & arts, friendship, family, the unknown and so many more...
travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind. ~seneca
i've always loved traveling. i grew up a nomad. a new scenery, experiencing unfamiliar places, trudging unknown paths enrich me. it's like a whole new world opens up right before your eyes. it's an endorphin for the soul. one thing i've learned though is to always note the time difference between states because you might be left behind by your plane while you line up waiting for your cafe mocha in starbucks. lastly, travel light and always have a good book for company.
food is an adventure. food is best enjoyed with friends and loved ones. food is an art. food beckons like a lover... :) i can eat food and still talk about food...
mass transportation
i can give up my car anytime of the day for mass transportation. i had an amazing experience when i took the subway in L.A. on my way to the library. mass transportation does not only move people, it is also a way to make a connection with people even if for just a fleeting moment. on that day, a woman was sitting beside me and she was so enamored with the scent i had on that she even took out her small notebook and pen from her purse then asked me to write it down for her. she barely spoke english but i understood her right away. that was a nice suprise. i know there are concerns about safety and efficiency as well but it can work...europe is a prime example and the philippines too...but that will be for another blog...
family is like eating a selecta's double-dutch chocolate ice cream on a gloomy day. they make you feel soooo good, loved and cared for. they say what you treasure is where your heart is. my treasure is my family. my treasures are my friends.
the self
i realized that there are times when one need not respond or act immediately to a particular situation. pause. rewind. pause again. pause some more. ultimately, the wisest decision or the right choice will dawn on you which would have not come if you were in a haste.
happiness is always within reach. one must be open and allow it to enter. neither the past nor the future exists, now is what we only have...
summer ... things i've learned, discovered and re-discovered
a very special and dear friend of mine told me to always be happy and that life is too short to sulk...what if i'm sad or depressed or stressed or just plain out of it, i retorted...he said, sleep... i laughed... but his words hold the truth. sometimes, life need not be taken too seriously because it will take care of itself.
it's amazing how changes can dramatically change and transform one's life. rainer maria rilke struck right through the core when he wrote one moment your life is a stone in you, and the next, a star. so, here are the things that summer lovingly bestowed on me, bejeweled moments, traveling, food, wine, laughter, joy, culture & arts, friendship, family, the unknown and so many more...
travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind. ~seneca
i've always loved traveling. i grew up a nomad. a new scenery, experiencing unfamiliar places, trudging unknown paths enrich me. it's like a whole new world opens up right before your eyes. it's an endorphin for the soul. one thing i've learned though is to always note the time difference between states because you might be left behind by your plane while you line up waiting for your cafe mocha in starbucks. lastly, travel light and always have a good book for company.
food is an adventure. food is best enjoyed with friends and loved ones. food is an art. food beckons like a lover... :) i can eat food and still talk about food...
mass transportation
i can give up my car anytime of the day for mass transportation. i had an amazing experience when i took the subway in L.A. on my way to the library. mass transportation does not only move people, it is also a way to make a connection with people even if for just a fleeting moment. on that day, a woman was sitting beside me and she was so enamored with the scent i had on that she even took out her small notebook and pen from her purse then asked me to write it down for her. she barely spoke english but i understood her right away. that was a nice suprise. i know there are concerns about safety and efficiency as well but it can work...europe is a prime example and the philippines too...but that will be for another blog...
family is like eating a selecta's double-dutch chocolate ice cream on a gloomy day. they make you feel soooo good, loved and cared for. they say what you treasure is where your heart is. my treasure is my family. my treasures are my friends.
the self
i realized that there are times when one need not respond or act immediately to a particular situation. pause. rewind. pause again. pause some more. ultimately, the wisest decision or the right choice will dawn on you which would have not come if you were in a haste.
happiness is always within reach. one must be open and allow it to enter. neither the past nor the future exists, now is what we only have...
hi bianca,
i'm an avid follower of your blog...you serve as an inspiration...currently, i am in florida working as a middle school teacher...thank you for this opportunity of sharing lessons we've learned...i had to divide my story in two parts because it was too large... :) God bless you.
hi supergirl bianca..happy 7th anniversary to your blog..I discovered your blog last year 2009.and since then, I read your posts everyday before starting my work..and i even share it to my friends..congratulations! laki na nang Page Rank ng homepage mo..go go go biancs..
Hi, I'm Anj 22 years old and currently working. Let me just share with you that I used to be a Scholar at the Arellano University in Pasay and I was taking up Nursing. To be wuite honest with you, Nursing wasn't the course that I wanted but my mom felt that it was a good choice since it was in the demand in the US around the time that I graduated from High school. Being the kid that I was, I took up nursing and maintained good grades and I was even part of the Dean's list. But as time goes by, I realized that IT IS EASY TO STUDY NURSING but I can never be a good nurse because it's something that is not in my heart. I've always wanted a career, not just a job. Problem was, if I shift to another course I will be losing my scholarship as per school policy since I was an entrance scholar. One big move that I made was to stop going to school and finding a job. I landed in the Call Center Industry and good thing I made that decision because I became more responsible. I sent my sister to College and she already graduated last year and that was with the help of my job and now, I'm taking up Management in an Institute in Makati and I feel happier being able to take up something that I've always wanted.
I grew up in a simple family, where we didn’t always have the luxury of life, but we were happy just by being together. The year 2004 was my first year as a professional, working in one of the biggest audit firms in the country. I remember those first few months of work, I was so into the job and my coworkers, and remembered my father being all excited for me. Then one morning, three months into being an auditor, I woke up to one of the most shocking experiences of my life. My father collapsed while taking a bath, and we had to literally destroy the bathroom door to get him out of there and rush him to the hospital. I remember he was conscious in the emergency room, but he was so quiet. We all thought it was a stroke, as he suffers from high blood pressure attacks most of the time. But we were not ready for the news that was about to change our lives. After further tests, it was discovered that my father had brain cancer. We were all blind sighted with his sickness, that most of my family just fell numb after doctors told us the news. We never have seen our father that sick, and it was very hard for us. He was the “man” in our lives, the one who has always been strong for us. He went through all the chemotherapy sessions and lots of surgeries. He had good days, but he also had the worst ones. And after 8 months of fighting, my father passed away.
This experience taught me a lot of things. I, being the eldest child in the family, had to be the one to be strong for my mother, and my two siblings. I remember, I only cried two times during the wake of my father, not because I didn’t love my father, but because I knew I had to be the strong one. I think I assumed the role of being the pillar of strength for my family. This experience also taught our entire family to “grow up” in a sense that we had to be stronger for each other, and be able to go through and overcome the pain of our loss. Each of us had to take our own responsibilities within the family, that my father would have normally had done for us. I, for one, have to work hard, to be able to support my family financially. Losing my father was one of the most painful things I had to go through in my life, and I still carry that pain every day. But behind the pain, I am somewhat grateful, for it taught me a lot of lessons in life, like taking responsibility, and being strong for my family.
Hi Biankita! :D
my growing up story. bow.
i'm 22 and have been working for more than 2 years now in manila. i hail from Cagayan de Oro. i really couldn't imagine how i sort of survived graduating at 19, flying to manila a month after to try my luck in the corporate world, turned 20 alone, and now spending, thriving, living my life on my own! it definitely wasn't easy. my bestfriends then were my unlimited phone line (to talk to my folks back in CDO and my boyfriend who was in Davao), cup noodles (i couldn't cook decent food then :P) and my manila map (getting lost and fooled around by manila taxi drivers were part of my growing up xp :) but thanks to my occassional reading of your blog, seeing you at some events, reading my fave teen mag (i still think i'm a teen at times), mall hopping, eating at places we don't have back in CDO...these things keep me sane.
so, congratulations on your blog's anniversary! :D this is the Lucky 7! btw, my boyfriend is now here in Manila also. so its love love love! happy happy happy!
Hi Bianca!
Happy 7th Year Anniversary to your blog.
Here's my "growing-up experience" in life:
I guess overcoming my break-up with my first-ever girlfriend was the growing up experience for me.
As a gentle, profound and hopeless romantic like me :), I've always treasured my firsts in this life: my first girlfriend, my first date, and of course my first kiss. It may sound gay, but for me my firsts were so special.
So having this mentality, I let pass a lot of nice and pretty girls thinking that there's better to come.
So came my first girlfriend. I really thought she would be my first and last. I did my best for the relationship but there were painful things that made me realize I'm with the wrong girl. But I still hoped for the best for us and remained with her, faithful to the magical sense of being my first.
But things really came to the limit. She left me for another guy.
That was so painful.
But I have to love myself and accept things, and hope for the best. This experience shook the fool dreamer out of me, made me accept the realities of this world and come closer to the Lord.
I learned a lot now and now doing the best to make my dream real.
and of course, letting my feet find my one true love. :)
May all of us live a wonderful life :)
God Bless!
Hi Bianca!
I'm Les.
Hope my story can inspire you and the others too.
Here it is.
I am 29 now and I had made the biggest decision of my life when I was 5. Sounds funny though but it really is the biggest so far.
When my parent got separated then, my lola on my mom's side asked me to come with them to U.S. while my sister stay with my dad.
Afraid for us to be separated and grow up without knowing each other, my father refused. But to be fair with my lola, he said to them that they can ask me directly. If I said yes, then they can take me with them.
But growing up in my dad's side with all my cousins there and a lola who take care of us so well, coming with my lola with my mom's side is not a choice. So easily I decided to stay with my dad. And that decision draw my life's path from then on.
We experienced so many struggles on the way. There were social grievances because we're from a broken family and the not so usual financial struggles. There were also emotional challenges that came even with our young minds. And all of that forced me to grow up faster than the usual.
With the support of my dad, we've learned too many things ahead of time. I learned to ride the jeepney in grade 1. My dad taught me how to cook while I was in Grade 5. I am already earning my own money while I was in highschool.
Life had been to harsh sometimes but I did not let things pushed me down. I took every struggles as a challenge and as a preparation for the years to come.
Now I am here abroad and had faced to many struggles already on my 29 years of existence in this world. But nothing seems harder than it seems because I was mold to be the strongest that I can be through all those years.
There are instances when I asked myself "What might have been if I went with my mom's family in the U.S.?"
But that was just thought. I never regreted my decision to stay because if it was not because of all those struggles I experienced, I will not be who I am today.
At 25 years old, I was diagnosed with a kidney disease. It was the second quarter of last year that I discovered such illness through series of tests including a kidney biopsy.
Check-ups, lab tests and waiting for the results to confirm such illness was never easy. It was my first time to be hospitalized. Injections became my best friend. I was exposed to an entirely different world.
I knew that my parents and brother were shattered. They were just hiding it from me. Like them, I never failed to pray for God's guidance. I remembered dropping by the Church everytime I feel weak and sometimes secretly crying telling Him that I am leaving everything up to Him. That I know he has plans for me. That I know everything will be alright.
Results came in. Everything changed. Thank God my doctor said both of my kidneys are still working great although I need to maintain them with medicines. All of a sudden, I can't eat my junk foods anymore. I only can eat dairy products (which I'll die without) in moderation. Meat intake should be lessened (when I say lessened, as in 3 strips). Check-ups monthly. I need to take care of myself, I can't, can't be sick. I am taking an average of 8-10 meds and vitamins daily.
I was a struggling Team Manager in a Call center during that time. It was my first year. I tagged myself as a "grumpy" young man. The job was new to me, I was handling 18 people, most of them older than me. Then this discovery. I was nearly giving up. I wanted to be out of thw industry. I wanted to study again, to teach, I was blaming this industry for everything that had happened. But I had to be practical, the company has a good health plan. I needed that. I stayed. I changed my perspective in life.
The "grumpy" young man started to appreciate life more. I started having a happy and positive disposition. Appreciating even the littlest things, every single memories with family and friends. I bought a camera and made sure every event will be captured, every memories documented. I loved life more. I loved everything about it.
One of my companions through all of this besides God, my family and close friends was my blog. I remembered posting everyday experiences, pictures of major events and even prayers everytime I'll have a check-up. Basically, it was a place where I store what's inside of me. I started blogging last year, inspired by bloggers including you. I check out blogs not only to read them but to also get ideas on what to post about. I stopped my first blog, but started blogging again 3 months ago. Blogging relaxes me, it's such a stress-reliever for me.
It was so ironic that after learning about this illness, I began not restricting myself too much. I learned how to have fun. I learned how to "live" life more. Having an illness is definitely not the end of the road. It is just the start of a journey. After all of this I said: "I will never stop dreaming, I will never stop smelling the different scents of life."
This quarter marks the first year of me discovering my kidney disease. This is my first time to share my story. I even haven't blogged it yet. Hehe.
Congratulations to your blog! Keep on inspiring, Bianca! :)
hi bianca,
i can soooo relate to your post! do you watch how i met your mother? this reminds me of that episode with the "i'm too old for this" list of ted and barney. ted said that he couldn't wait to be old so that all the hardships of growing up were done already.
so anyway, back to the growing up story. i'm 26 and looking back, my whole 25th year was when i started really growing up. i was going through the ultimate quarter life crisis - worrying about what direction my life should take. i was an account manager in a big advertising agency. i loved my team and the fast paced industry but i knew that it wasn't what i wanted to do forever. i knew that in the end, when i had a family i wanted to be a housewife with my own business so that i can contribute to the family income yet have time for family. with the crazy schedule and meager salary in advertising i knew i wasn't going to get that. but i didn't know what business i wanted to get in to. or should i just look for another job that paid more? i had no idea what to do.
when ondoy came around, i wanted so badly to go out and help in some way but i couldn't because our client wouldn't move deadlines. that moment, i felt that what i was doing wasn't important TO ME. i didn't care about my client's posters. i was getting tired of working so hard on a project for months only to be told that it wasn't going to push through. that's when i realized that it was time to move on. life is too short not to do the things you want to do. i wanted to love my work and do something that was important to me. i didn't want my life to be dictated by my work.
after many sleepless night, i worked up the courage to talk to my boss and tell her that i wanted to leave already. i already had a franchise of a fruit shake kiosk and i came on as a partner to a dance studio. those were the 2 things i was going to focus on when i left the corporate world. now a friend of mine and i had also launched a business. its been a crazy ride but i really feel like i'm finding my way in life. being an entrepreneur is NOT EASY! now i'm really strapped for cash because i don't have a steady cash flow and this is teaching me to be more mindful of my expenses. i still have a lot of growing up to do, but i am enjoying the journey :)
Happy 7th blogsary to Bianca!!!More blogs to post...:-)
Anyway, what matters most are the respect and protection towards our Ex's are still there...In proper time God will give what is best for us!!! Let things go smoothly as we face the reality of life...Life is short to be wasted so let's make the most out of it. Be happy and have a great life ahead of us!!! Lesson learn from what we are going through...
God Bless!!!
Happy 7th year to you blog....i just started my blog this month and finally i found a place where i can share my thoughts and experiences with others.
we're of the same age, i turned 27 last february and yes like you i have my own life changing experience in the 27 years of existence....
born in a family where everything is well provided....we're not rich but i would say i am blessed to have the kind of parents that prepared and planned to have a family of their own.
schooled in an all girls- catholic school, i grew up prim and proper and with values that my parents inculcated to us i would say i live life the way it should be.....and being looked up by people i our community, to others what a beautiful life, i have nothing to worry in life, now that i'm taking my LLB though i have a job that pays me well my parents still support my law school and even pay for my apartment, indeed a life to be jealous of for other people....
People didn't see the girl or the lady who struggle all her life to make a name of her own, not just she is the daughter of________,
in college i took up BS Management in UP Iloilo in preparation for someday be in the world of Business, banking where my parents have their investements, Unibersidad ng Pilipinas is the turning point, the prim and proper me became the girl who joined and shouted "Iskolar ng Bayan,Tuloy pa rin ang laban," and the girl who for 16 years have the best amenities in her fingertips, now has to "bomba" for water to take a bath and instead of cd music to sleep her for the night now has the singing of frogs bring her to sleep, the girl looked up having all the values can now be seen in bars until the wee ours and now knows all the best drinks in town, the catholic-schooled girl now goes to school in her pj's or in days she got enough time to prepare goes in her mini skirts paired with colored nails and with full make-up....
those were the turning point, my 1st two years in UP Iloilo showed and made me experience the life that was shielded from me, the reality of life that we need to fall to learn, twas in those days shouting in the streets that i met the real people that they have something to fight for, that life is a war to be fought to succeed, they need to fight poverty, fight for their scholarships to be in school and wait for their monthly stipend to buy for his sick father's medicine.....after two years being with them made me realized that i got to do something because i have so much blessings in life...in my 3rd year in UP i joined a theater group where i honed my passion for acting and this time i was able to help the street children by giving workshop to them every summer until i graduated, i became a volunteer in our orgs outreach activities and at the same time in the last two years in UP i was in the dean's list.....
And now the girl who struggled to make a name of her own has done it....i got employed in government instead of helping out in our family business, and proud to say i am where i am without my parents connection and i do what i love doing most, i am a head of a unit in the office of the governor of sarangani, we conduct provincial outreaches to farflung barangays, it may be beyond what i dreamed of, be in an airconditioned office in a business suit but the fulfillment i have now is more than the comfort that i can have....
Hi bianca. happy anniversary to your blog. it's always a nice experience reading your blog. it's like seeing you grow as a person and seeing in you a part of me as a person also grow.
i wanted to share with you two life-changing experiences i had that helped me grow "beautifully" as an individual.
#1: I was 23 when i fell so badly in love with a guy who broke my being and soul some 8 years ago. it was a complicated love affair, but i loved him so dearly. there was never regret in my heart after all these years because that experience helped me realize that i am capable of loving unconditionally, that i can give so much love for another being without expecting anything in return. i had to get over it because i realized that i have to love myself more for me to be able to channel that enormous amount of love within. it took me a while to recover but i am glad i did:)
#2: i was 28 when i left the philippines to work in singapore. i left my 8-year old job to go out of my comfort zone. i was burned out and felt short-changed. i stayed in singapore for a year, learning things i could possible understand about the culture. but home beckoned and i couldn't resist it. i thought long and hard before i decided to go back. i asked myself one important question: what was my motivation for leaving? i then realized that more money can never compensate for the void caused by my distance from home and the people i love. if there was ever one regret in leaving pinas it was that i wasted one precious year away from my most beloved nephew. i came to realize the things that truly matter. i came home happy and satisfied, knowing that during my journey away from home, i found meaning in my life and a whole lot of peace:)
thanks very much. more power to you! keep inspiring others. it truly makes a difference.
last dec 2009, i had my "quarter life crisis". the company I was working for was downsizing and since I'm the last one hired in my dept, I knew soon enough they'd have to let me go. I had the option of either waiting for them to give me notice or volunteering to be made redundant so others (with family and obligations) can stay a lil longer in the company. I knew for some time that it was coming, and have thought of my other options. Although I didnt have any of my own (I am 24 and NBSB lol), I loved children. So to me, the voluntary redundancy looked like a great opportunity to start a new career- in early childhood education!
I took my redundancy payment and had a optimistic view of the future. Until a few days after I was out of a job, i was driving on my way home with some family about to pick up a friend so we can practice christmas carolling (to fundraise for a kid's hospital). I wasnt paying attention for a second to the lights then *boom* a car hits us. It was totally my fault. A moments inattention totally changed my life! An accident in a major intersection like that could have resulted in a lot of injuries or fatalities, but thank God, no one was hurt.To see my sister so shaken up and to see other bystanders that could have been harmed, just kept on stabbing at my guilt.
I took full responsibility for the accident and the judges were lenient and gave me another chance- they granted me diversion. I met up with my diversion officer and after our meeting he said, "do you want the big lesson in this?" I nodded. "The big lesson is...hold your hands up in front of you". I was a little bewildered, but I slowly put my hands in front of me. He said, "wiggle your fingers". I finally understood what he was trying to say. "I am still alive," I chokingly whispered as I tried to keep myself from sobbing. I couldn't hold it any longer, covered my face with my hands and cried my heart out, in front of a complete stranger as he told me, "You are precious". To me,it was a second chance at life.
This year 2010, I started on my graduate diploma, while volunteering 2x a week in a childcare centre. I also relieved for them once in a while and worked as a sales assistant during Sats. I realised this is what I loved doing. It was very rewarding, learning alongside the children, seeing things through their eyes and letting my imagination run free. I also started shaping up. Watching Earthlings definitely helped me transition into a pesco-vegetarian. With a little friendly competition (and some home exercise dvds), I lost 12kgs and halfway through my goal weight after 4 months. I have never felt as good as I have, and people definitely think I look younger!
As I approach my 25th, I feel like I have grown up and yet all the children around me make me feel young at heart as each day passes by, like I'm in Neverland.
Hi Bianca! I love reading your blog and I am amazed on how you put words together! Btw, I love your interview with Mariel! Naiyak kami ng mama ko :)
I went to US early this year as an immigrant. I had to give up a lot of things. And this really changed my life. Luckily, I had work waiting for me. It was the same work I had in the Philippines, only I am working from home and on weekends. And someone resigned from the team so I was hired permanently. I've been in the US for almost 7 months now and I've grown as a person. A typical spoiled brat who just asks money from her parents to buy clothes is suddenly the one taking care of the bills and buying stuffs for her mom and dad. I love this role. I feel like I am somehow repaying my parents for all their hard work. I didn't allow them to work since what I am earning is more than enough. I see to it that regularly we eat out as a family, go to movies and go shopping. Though this won't be enough payment for all their hard work and sacrifices just to provide me a comfortable living, it would somehow be and I know this makes them happy.
hi ms. bianca,
just because i look up to you that's why i'm telling you a bit of me. haha. (and taas ng tingin ko sa sarili o akala mo nmn kung sinong alta de sociedad. tsk3)
hmm, my problem is about love. it's not the typical love story you hear from people who have been loved by their so-called other half. this is a love story that is common but is often neglected. it's my love story with my parents.
9 years, 9 months, 4 weeks, and a day before my birth was my parents' wedding day. they were happy and all until such a time that my father become disloyal towards my mother. he had another woman or women so to speak.
for a time i blinded my senses with what i knew. i didn't mind it becasue i thought i didn't know it.
then high school came. that was the first time i told my story and my deepest heartache to someone - to my trusted friends. when i opened my problem to them i cried. and then i discovered hatred.
at first i thought it's just okay. i thought it would just vanish. but it didn't. the feeling burdened me up until in my college years.
in college, i've known people who suffer a quite similar problem with mine. however, theirs is worse than mine. i learned from them.
i've forgiven my father. i wrote him a letter narrating every single detail about how i knew it and how the loneliness in my heart grow into hatred. i told him everything. and i've forgiven him. i gripped the pain and succumbed to it. i cried. i cursed. but i caressed myself.
in life, i learned that you don't have to become someone else to know that you can do great things. even a simple act of forgiveness to someone who hurt you is enough to say that you are one great person. it's not easy to forgive. but hating is the hardest.
p.s. i'm loving my family now. the best-est way to survive is to learn, to love, and to live!
my growing up story is not as heavy or as painful as that of others, i would say. but then i would still like to share it here because i feel that some people just needs a little boost from someone else to do the things that they are afraid of. anyway, i left the country when i was 26 (not too young, i know) to work. i did it to be able to provide for my parents. i guess the most difficult thing for me to do during that time was to get out of my comfort zone. i was earning enough in Manila. i was young, i have my friends, my family and i was having fun! but then circumstances made me decide to leave and work somewhere else. its hard to live far from your family but then i had to do it. out of this experience, i can say that i have this "bring it on" attitude now towards life. though i know that i still have a long journey here and back (to Manila), i can say that this is something that i will never regret and most probably advice to "young" people. to go out of your comfort zone and discover yourself. :)
Hi Miss Bianca,
Happy anniversary to your super blog!!!
My major life-changing experience happened when I was eighteen. The family's financial status hit rock bottom and I had to work because I knew it was the only way I could finish college. It was hard, with no college degree to back me up,what company will have me?I was one insecure and nervous applicant.Luckily, I got accepted in a call center. The pay was good and I can even a get a flexible schedule for my classes. I belong to a really supportive team at work and I am having the time of my life at school. Would you believe I only get a max of three hours of sleep daily?With all the research we had to do, that's really all the the snooze I can get.We recently started filming too.But I won't ever regret the decision I made back then. It made me grow up and it made me the strong and resilient person that I am today.They say you can't have the best of both worlds...but Miss Bianca,I live in both worlds and I am probably the happiest sleep-deprived- girl on this side of the planet...
hello miss B.
Happy anniversary to your blog. i discovered your blog last 4 years ago i guess. and from that day on, i started reading your posts.
i just want you to know that you truly inspires me with your posts, every little thing i read makes me think how humble, kind, and good person you are, and to tell you honestly, for me you are perfect. and every individual would just want to be like you. :)
i am just 18, i know i have a lot of challenges to encounter in the future to make me say that i have really grown up.
I just want to share this story/realization i have encountered in my life. :)
last 2009 was a toughest year i had i guess in my 18 years here on earth. Challenges that made me realized that people come and go, that people change and change is the only thing that is constant in this world.
I consider my hs barkada as one of those people who would stay with me for the rest of my lives, well i must say that was before. We have some misunderstandings, one day we’re ok, the next day we’re not. It’s just that every single thing i do was an issue for them. Everyday i try to ask them what’s wrong. Everyday i reconcile with them just to save this friendship we have been taking care of since high school. Everyday i think of the reasons why they’re mad at me. But they never told me the exact reason. There would be times that i would cry because of blaming myself of what happened even though i should not. Thank God there were others who still stayed with me, who told me that i am still not alone, and that they’re different from them. i thanked them for being there when i needed someone to talk to, a shoulder to lean on, a friend. Hindi nila kinailangan na makipagaway para lang masabi na pinagtatanggol nila ko, hindi nila kinailangan magparaninig katulad ng ginagawa ng ibang tao para lang masabi na may kakampi ako, nor di nila ako nilayuan para hindi madamay sa gulo. Instead they kept quiet and stayed by my side, and for me that was BEYOND enough to make me realize that i’m not alone in this challenge of life.
Friends are the best thing in this life. For me they are equated to family. You just have to make sure that you are with your true friends. :)
Hi Bianca! Happy Blogversary. Im glad i found your blog I've been a
reader for a week and good thing that at least i can share also my life experience.
During the times that I was at the peak of my career, have a high
paying but demanding job abroad, where i can travel around the world, buy all the things i want. live a comfortable life that everyone wish
to have i guess. was nearly to achieve all my goals in dreams in life.
success as what you call, but as time goes by,it became a routine, i felt bored, stressed, no motivation to come for work. i feel that i am
no longer happy of what i am doing. I wasn't able to enjoy the fruit of my labor, im totally stressed at work, lots of politics at my workplace, my boss and colleagues co workers are quite annoying and i
began to dislike my job, I have no idea or i have no one to blurt out
my emotions, most of my friends are also busy working and same with me struggling with thier own problems.so i never bothered to share or unload my feelings with them. But I tried and I did not get emotional attachment or any concerns despite they just only criticized me or told that I'm just being too emotional. so i have no choice but to keep this with myself.
I have lots of sleepless nights thinking thousand times if I am going to leave and quit my job just to get away and just be with my family and have time for myself to experience the life that I wasn’t experience since I started working. I think that time I’m lost, but still I ask God guidance about my decisions of not coming back and quit
my job. So I asked his sign, I am not sure if I leave or not, I know
this is something big that I cannot decide easily, this is a job that
everyone wish to have I guess, since I can have things and do all my dreams come true because of this job. So the signs that I asked from God is something impossible but unbelievable he made It possible. So I guess it’s time for me to leave and follow that signs that he gave.
Went back home in Phil, and happy that I felt a relief cause at last im home! got the chance to do all the things that im longing for a long period of time. Then I went into business and decided not to work again. Instead I want to be the boss in work for my own business, as days years, goes by it made me realize how hard to run a business. I don’t have any experience, all I have is money and confidence then suddenly my biz did not went well.
I have nowhere to ask or to seek support. What I only have now is my faith in God, there are times that I almost give up because what we are experiencing now is totally unbearable. No source of income, bankruptcy
so you know the feeling, feel like no one in this world can help us but only ourselves. Kamag anak is alang maasahan people naman cannot give that enough to us, I cannot go out and find a job since I don’t have moolah to spend, honestly most of my money went to people who borrowed from us but run away after. I have lots of things to do and plans but I cannot do because of no money.
I felt like my world has ended and never expect that this is happening to me. Neighbors are talking about me; I received undeserved criticism, lots of intrigues as if I was one of a “total failure” that I could not tolerate. Its frustrating but I need to be strong I know this
will surpassed, my patience and faith has been tested, But still im only human being that sometimes I have no choice but to think that everything Is hopeless.
I felt useless because I cannot go and find work as if everything is
not conspiring on my plans. Lahat ng bagay na pwede kong gawin at
asahan e nauuwi sa wala. Ika nga God only help those who help
themselves, but sometimes I am also asking Lord “I am already helping myself to do all the things I can” but still nothing happen. If my will is not enough then I let your will do the rest. I have this fave motto “that everything happens for a reason” and that reason is something
that I cannot seek. Though I began to get bored, cause I felt time is
running, opportunities has come, but I had nothing to do because I
don’t have resources, God let your spirit be my guide cause I started
to take the U-turn road. Now The only thing that strengthens me is the word of God. His promises that says” for I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, not plans to hurt you, I will give you hope and future. Jeremiah 29:11.
space not enough...cont next..
lesson learned: I just realize that he is just taking me to a deeper level of maturity. he is just testing my faith with him. so now know matter how i feel I always believe that God is real. I always remember
the verse" For God has said, 'I will never leave you; I will never
abandon you.'" (Hebrews 13:5)T.E.V)
Now i am at peace even when i don't feel his presence or there is no evidence of his work in my life, still i continue to love, trust,obey and worship him. I know it's hard, it take a lot of patience but i ask
God's grace, guidance and a wisdom to understand about all this things. and i know i won't go wrong.
your interview with mariel was one of the best! you showed how a true friend you are to her, and i felt that. take care B! :)
Hello Bianca! Congratulations on your 7 yrs of blogging:) I had my 1 year of blogging last Aug 22, 2010:)Thank you for truly being an inspiration to everyone; for sharing your experiences, for being yourself. :)
I agree that in our 20s we experience all sorts of drama. I don't know what I want, where I am heading but I am striving to fight for my dreams.
I grow up in a strict environment where my parents are very protective of me, they direct the things I do and they don't support my creativity. All they think of is that I have to study an IT course, work in an IT company and make more money..all for the sake of future they always say.
So here I am working my ass off, feeling my soul deteriorate, not feeling excited upon waking up. I realize that I have always been following their footsteps for me. Because I know it's for my own good. However, I am actually sacrificing my happiness for them. I have always love to sing, draw, create plays ever since I was a kid. But since they don't support any of it.. I have finally given them all up. Right now I am regretting it and I am starting all over again.
Yes, I am fighting for my dreams. As hard as it seems, and amidst the many people who are good at art, I am starting to wade myself through. I study sketching. I made time to draw, take photos and look at other people's work for inspiration. To drive a direction for myself, I have written 5 long term goals which I am going to achieve in some years time.
Taking the first step is always the hardest. Here I am starting from scratch again to build my dreams. Piece by piece. My heart is scared of the impossibility, of the competitive world but my soul is determined. I tried so hard everyday to be strong and I pray a lot too. It gives me so much joy to know that I am alive and that is more than I could ask for. With this one life, I will do my very best, share it with others what I know and help them to have hope.
I am 24 and I am not afraid of growing old. I will live through life no matter how many times I cried. The battle is always easy when God is just behind.
God bless you Bianca. Take care!
here's what i've got...
By the way, i'm 23 now..
I hate my mom before. I felt she wasn't giving me the same treatment that she was giving my brother when we were kids. I always thought that she was giving him all that he wants and the likes. As for me was all that i badly needed. If it's not for a school project then it's not for me, way like that. Sometimes I told myself maybe i was a big disappointment for her because i wasn't a pretty kid that time. Why i said so? Because during my mom's teenage years she was the darling of their family. She was always the reyna elena of their barangay before. She had lots of suitors and she was always the muse of every paliga. As for me...Nothing! And every family reunion i felt she was always embarrased whenever my titas and titos would always tease me as fat, chubiba, maitim, kirara, those kinds. Woahh typing it down it makes me cry :(
Things go on and on as i grew up. Those things in my childhood somewhat built a low self esteem issue and anger in my heart. I turned that anger to my brother. I get at him whenever i had the chance. For example when he was allowed to join the dance classes i threw his favorite book when my mom went to shop. And when my mom is away i always made him wash the dishes, hide the remote control of the tv so he can't change channels when i'm watching, or shout at him in front of my classmates. I know sobra naman akong ate but that was my resolution so i could somewhat get even.
One time, my brother (who was 9years old that time) made a joke out of my classmate in front of all my cousins. He told my classmate has the biggest set of front teeth that the looked liked a rabbit. All of my cousins laughed! I was super annoyed and embarrassed so i threw his coloring book on the floor in front of him and never spoken to him ever again.
My mom found out about it and she noticed that i wasn't talking to my brother for months. I didn't answer but i wanted to shout at her! I wanted to tell her that it was her fault! If she had just treated me the same way as my brother, if she let me join clubs i really liked, if she just gave me what i also wanted, if she just shown me the same affection as my brother then it wouldn't be like that! But i just kept silent. I just ran to my bedroom and poured out my heart to crying.
My confidant was my father. He knows all about it. But he told me "hayaan mo lang anak ganyan talaga mama mo. Pero wag kang mag alala mahal kita kasi anak kita and i'm so proud of you!"
Sometimes i thought maybe my mom was always angry with me because i was daddy's little girl. You know, daddy's little pride. How i wanted my father to just go home so i will feel the same level of affection my mom gave my brother. a win win situation.
We went straight to bie's grandma house. There i heard words like "iuwi mo na yan hindi namin maaalagaan yan!". It was her lola speaking. During those times bie was about to go overseas. Well he defended me so his lola agreed.
One night i saw a text message for bie. It was a familiar number. It was one of his flings before. It was like a wack! They were communicating despite my condition! Bie said sorry and he texted the fling back "sorry wag ka nang magtext, may asawa na ko".
Ate bianca believed me i cried the whole night, not because of the fling, but because how i looked at myself as a total disaster. It made me realized how failure i was. I fell asleep with a weary heart.
Then came the next day, i heard again the grandma telling bie to send me home to my mother, i cried again, i felt no one wants me. With the biggest courage ever in my life i phoned home. My mom was the one who answered. Bursting to tears i replied her hello " mama pwede pa ba kong bumalik?" she asked me "bakit napano ka?" in a very worried tone. I felt relieved she was worried i said "gusto ko nang bumalik".
Hurriedly i packed and asked bie to help me get home. When i got home the first thing i did was hugged my mom and told her sorry. She also hugged and told me "tingnan mo ginawa mo sa sarili mo".
From then on me and my mom became the best of what was left, and i even said sorry to my brother. I told him why i was treating him like that. The day bie left my mom took me to shopping spree.
I tried to follow bie so he asked the help of her mom to refer me to their employer. It was a success.
Now, i'm here working as a full pledged nurse in KSA, bie is a cuty away, my mom's happy and my dad was more proud than ever. Things fell into places.
The day i left the country, exactly one year ago, little bro texted me "ate wag mong kalimutan ipod ko huh? love you!" omg it was a guilt-happy-sad feeling ate bianca because despite the treatment i gave little brother he still loves me and called me ate. Ang sarap palang maging ate!
That's it ate bianca! I can say it's a growing up story because it gave me so much of life lessons. This experience made me more stronger. It reminded me of the fifth commandment in the bible "“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you." and it is really true. I just wished i ponder more on this before well maybe i'm more of what i am now. But no regrets. I didn't asked for anything in exchange to the bad memories of my childhood, i made new ones. Anyways it's not too late to make new childhood ehehehe right!
Thanks ate bianca! Happy anniversary to your blog. Let me just say you're my idol since i saw you on candy mag! June 2003 was the first issue that i bought because you were on it. Hehe you were so dark that time and it was quoted that they had difficulty blending make up for you because you just went to the beach. From then one i became one of your greatest fan up to now i still watch snn via internet to see you showcase your sense of fashion. Not only snn but also pbb, yspeak, blog, hehehehe and so much more! i love you ate bianca you are the beacon of beuty for me! God Bless u and have a great day! ^-^
hello bianca!
more than 2 weeks pa lang akong nagbabasa ng blog mo. 7 years ka na pala sa industriyang ito! keep up the good work!
anyway, as a response to your panawagan for growing up stories and lessons learned, ito ang kuwento ko:
isa ako sa mga nalulungkot kapag nagbi-birthday. i love all the special occasions and Christmas is my favorite...pero ang birthday ko? i wanted to erase it from the calendar. mataas ang stress level ko pag malapit na ang birthday ko.
just this year, i still had the same feeling about growing old. alam kong nagkakasala na ako sa Diyos for not being grateful, pero ganun pa rin. then, God spoke to me. sabi Nya, "Ang birthday mo ay June 1, 1977. June is the 6th month of the year. Pag inadd mo ang 6 & 1, the sum is 7. then your year of birth is double 7. so kung susumahin, ang bday mo ay triple 7! 777! at kung Bible ang pagbabasehan mo, special sa Akin ang number 7. It means, you are special to Me. You are a special creation." naiyak ako dahil para bang wala akong utang na loob sa Dyos na nilikha Nya ako. this gave me a new perspective.
at nung mabasa ko ung nasa blog mo about Cameron Diaz's view on growing old, being 30, it added to my changing point of view.
Thank you Ms. Bianca! Cheers and Happy Blogversary!
ms bianca,
have you ever come across the site www.mylifeisaverage.com? i think it's worth reading. i hope you find time browsing through it soon.
hapi blogversary!
Hi Bianca! Happy Blog-versary to you and your avid readers!:)
In light of your topic on growing up i would like to share my story:
Being a middle child, I was so used to having an older brother and an older sister to look up to most of the time and a younger sister to look after sometimes. But when my family had to deal with a financial crisis, my sister and I were forced to enroll to a school that my grandfather owns in Lipa City. During the first few months of our stay in a small apartment near the school, we were accompanied by our mom, while my dad stayed at our house in Manila together with my older siblings who were at that time just got their first jobs and are working within Manila as well. After a while, my mom cannot always stay with us as she has to fix some errands back home. That's when I was forced to become a Big Sister in our Lipa Apartment. Though we had a maid with us, I was obliged to help around the house. I was told to ensure that we had budget for the week,to check my sister's homeworks, and to make sure she studies every night. Being in first year highschool at that time in a new school, in a different city, is a lot to take already. The peer pressure, adjusting to a different culture,among others, and it did not help that I was the grand daughter of the school's owner. It made adjusting and making friends harder. Having to deal with my personal battles and juggling it with that of the responsibilities given to me, I can definitely say that this was how I became mature and was forced to grow up.
Though I must admit I made a lot of mistakes then, I certainly learned from them and still carry on those learnings as I now begin my journey to the corporate world. :)
growing up story? have lots of them, coz even in simple stumbles, there's already a learning there, right?
but the best highlight of life, i think, well was when i defied my mom's wish (or order). i got pregnant when I was 27, and she wanted me not to marry my bf that time (for religious reasons), but i still decided to get married with him. and now I'm still happily married with an almost 2-yr-old very cute baby boy.
life's an adventure (and risk) we just have to take. if we don;t take the plunge, how will we learn? and im not the type of person who would want to live a life with 'what if's."
btw, ur blog is very nice to read. keep writing biancs. you have a gift :)
What triggers the grown-up in me is when I realize that I'm gay. I prepared myself for all the challenges I will be facing as a gay kid. From my father's reaction to the future in store for me. At an early age, I learned to be responsible and accountable for all my choices and actions. And now, at 24 I can say that I am proud to be a gay (happy) gay!
Hi Bianca,
Speaking of “can’t wait to turn 30” … well I am turning 30 this month on the 26th. I completely agree with you about how we generally see the world in different ages. At 20s, we’re full of idealism. But when we are nearing 30s, we pause for a moment and see things in a more fulfilling way.
On a personal note, the failures I had been through helped me become who I am today. When I was 20, I lost my dad, just before I graduate from college. I took it so hardly that I didn’t attend graduation commencement. My dad had always been my “on-stage” partner in accepting school merits. And it hurts me so much to stand there alone without him. But as they say, life goes on. And so I did. I still had my mom. But then, 7 years later (2007), it was my mom who passed away. When I lost my dad, I was in pain for months. But when mom left, I was in pain for years. It was the toughest and most excruciating feeling I had ever felt. I couldn’t focus on my work. I used to work from home. And since mom lived with me in my loft, it is tough to live by each day knowing that nobody will knock at my door to bring me breakfast or that nobody will take care of me when I’m sick. It was tough. I felt so immobile.
I told myself, “This pain has got to stop.” So I took an indefinite leave from work and flew to Singapore for a vacation. A vacation that got extended and extended until my boss couldn’t wait for me to report back until I tendered my resignation eventually. I just couldn’t go back, yet. I felt like all the crying nights of my life remembering my parents will kill me in the process. I needed to help myself.
Rebuild and conquer. These were the words that I lived by while I was away. Losing my parents made me a stronger and braver person. I needed it to realize that losing the people we love means life still goes on. It’s just a matter of choosing the right decisions. And so now, I am happy to share that I am successful in my chosen path. Been working in Singapore since 2007 and blissfully married to the man I dated for 6 years ☺
when my parents broke up 7 years ago. I have to be strong and grow old in an instant for my mom. Thou she's our pillar of strength but at one point in our lives, we have to be her foundation. My sister and I stopped acting as kids and were there for our mom at that time. 7 years passed and I can say that I am now able to solve my problems in my own way, I have now the courage to decide for my own good and now I can totally say that I have moved on because experiences taught me.
hyacinth 22
Happy Anniversary to your blog Bianca! :) I've been a devoted reader of your blog for years now, even way before you joined PBB :) I would like to take part on the celebration of your blog's anniversary through my "inspiring growing up story". I am currently a Product Trainer for one of the pioneer BPO companies in the country and sharing my story served as an inspiration to every trainee I've had. :)
I am getting errors trying to post my entry here so I just posted it on my own blog, here's the link:
I hope I've given a little inspiration to you and your readers through my story. Again, Happy Anniversary to your Blog and more power to you! Ü
Me too! I can't wait to turn 30.
Hi Bianca! Happy Anniversary to your super blog!! How I wish I could celebrate my 1st blog anniversary this December. I signed up on 2009. But I wasn't ready yet on what to post, what to blog. So I convinced myself to be a blog reader. I browse, browse and browse. I read what I want to read to know how to be on that "blogger level" thingy. Just on August, I started my first welcome post. Anyhoo! I admire you for sharing that you're not afraid to grow older. I am Mae Lynn, you can call me Blue Jeans by the way from Dipolog. I have been reading some of the wonderful blogs of different kinds of people including you. I know the challenges, the breakthroughs, struggles, sadness, happiness, and so on that life gave and will, love life mostly.
Speaking of, amm.. I am a very conservative, shy gal from a conservative family. Being conservative, I mean I don't expose my armpit :). I grew up with my Mama Abet (not related but we thank her for being a Mama when my real Mama's not around for work) and my Lola Pep (the sister of my Mama's Mama) both single and available, haha. I have 3 sisters; (MC, MR, MS). MC, 31, married, has 3 kids. MR, 23, in a 7-year relationship. MS, 15, in a month relationship. Me, 18, major NBSB! See, That's the thing. But I am not desperate! Let's just say I'm too conservative that I don't really mind boys, that I am happy with my family and friends to hang out, that my heart is for cartoons like "The Fairly Odd Parents", my all time favorite. Some told me to grow up. -What could I possibly do when I am happy and contented to what I am doing?
In our blood, there's this a little bit of a boy-problem. Some, or mostly of my Aunts.. relatives, are without anybody else or should I say solos. Do I belong? -Yes. No. Maybe. I don't really care about it as long as I know God always has a plan. I am not in a hurry. I have more to learn, more to experience, more to be happy, less to be sad, more to enjoy, more lovings to do in this lifetime. I am just waiting for the right time, "if" there's the right person. And whatever happens, He's always the guy, second, my Papa :D I still believe in love and by saying this, I think I have grown up!
More power Ate Bianca and God bless!
xoxo Blue Jeans.
hmm, well that is being alone now. yeah the situation forced me to grow up because i have now someone that i am helping to grow up and i need to be sure that i will do the right job. i just gave birth last feb to a very cute baby boy, but my 8-yr boyfriend left me for another woman. supposedly we're getting marriend after i gave birth which was last april but i just RECENTLY found out that he's having an affair and they were together since january. well he cancelled the wedding 1st week of feb before i gave birth but did not tell me straight it to my face. haha! felt like i wasted 8years of my life but what the hell. i now have a beautiful baby to devote my life to. =)
Happy 7th Anniv to your blog! woohoo
i want to share my story which i do hope this may help to some people about GROWING UP especially those people who's working in abroad.
it was 2006 when i arrived here in Dubai UAE. i had a 3 yrs working experience in our province Cebu with my field as Industrial Engineer and after that i was convinced by my room mate / my college friend to follow his BF in Dubai.i said yes right away to the idea since i really want to try also working in abroad and maybe because of financial,want to help my family,want to have my own business.
i have a very big expectations that time when im about to leave Cebu.i was thinking i can find job right away since i came in Dubai as a Visit Visa. i was thinking i can have a very big salary (double with my peso salary). i was thinking i can send big amount to my family and will start my dream to invest something for business.
but then,all those expectations are opposite to what exactly happen to me in Dubai.i wasnt able to find job right away,it takes how many months before i found one company that will provide employment visa for me.thou i found a job but my salary is not what i dream of,im receiving a salary which is same salary what i have before in Cebu.so,i cant send big amount to my family and the more i cant afford to invest.
my lifestyle was totally change from the day i arrive here in Dubai.i need to cook for my self which i never did in Cebu,i need to do the laundry which i never did also since we have labandera,i need to budget my money and cant buy some extra food (e.g icecream,cake,etc) especially that time i dont have work yet,i need to do part time job in order to have extra money for my transpo during job interviews and for internet cafe for making my resume and printing. with all those things happening to me,i feel so sad,self-pity and frustate why its happening to me and realize what a good life i had way back in Cebu.i can eat what i want to eat.i can hang out with my friends anywhere-anytime.no worries about money.
then on my third month in Dubai,my sister who's helping me financially since i dont have a job yet,she decided to send me back to Cebu.she said maybe my luck wasnt in dubai.but for the first time,i decide for my self.i decide to stay in Dubai and still try my luck there instead going home nothing happens.i lied to my sister that last minute i found a job and she knows that im lying but since im so determine to my decision not to go home then she said OK.i feel so grown up that time coz eversince i always depend on the decision of my mom,sis,bro and my friends.
by deciding to stay in Dubai,i had lots of trials received in my life,but it is really true that GOD will never give us trials that we cannot survive,he give those trials to me coz he knows i can make it.
1.by sticking to my decision i need to support now fully my self regards financial since i cannot ask my sis for help since i lied to her that i found a job already,so i was doing part time jobs that time - arranging flowers/tables in the wedding;assisting fashion models at the back stage and worst our organizer will only provide one meal in whole day work.
and during that time,my friend who invite me to work in Dubai she left me without my notice.one day when i arrive in the house,she and his BF left the house leaving me one comforter and one pillow.
2.with the help of my new found friends in Dubai,they help me with my food expenses by letting me eat together with them for free which of course i need to help them with the chores.
3. when i found a job i stay near with the office in order for me to avoid a transpo expenses and do the walking instead every going in & out from office.
4. in order to have a less rent in boarding house,i share a bed with my friend so that we can divide the bedspace rent-it takes me for two years that situation.
5. all my extra income i send all to my family and nothing left for me.
6. i do buy clothes from ukay2x which i never did in Cebu coz i want all my things to be branded.
but all those things it helps me a lot to grow in terms with my perception/decision in life.i never regret it my decision to stay in Dubai.I learn how to value simple things and realize that money is nothing if you’re not happy as well.i learn how to budget and value the importance of the money.i spend if its needed to and not same before i spend mostly for unnecessary things.i can say i am proud of myself now compare when i was still in Cebu.i can say i have sense now and can accept any type of trials coz i know GOD is there with me all the way.
now,im working on a 2nd company and slowly by slowly i can invest now for my self like recently i buy house & lot in cebu thou im still paying it till now.can eat now ice cream and cake =)LoLz and more i know na how to cook (yes!)
hope my story may give inspiration to some people and it will help them to not surrender for ever trials they may have and instead have faith to GOD and be strong.
again, Happy Anniversay to you! More Power and God Bless!
i do really admire your thoughts and your story..
xoxo forever @itsmebonbon(twitter)
Hi Bianca I'm a avid reader of blog and I find it really interesting to read. Happy 7th year Anniversary.
I hope my story will inspire other readers of blog.
I'm already 24 years old and still an unemployed. After graduation I took my licensure exam for teachers and with a leap of faith I passed
the exam. But here the catch of my story. During my first interview, the employer noticed about my how i speak because I have an epilepsy
and I tend to stutter sometimes when nervous. So I told them that I have this ailment. The next question bothered shocked me and I would never
ever forget that question in my life "How could you teach a class with your ailment and if have have an attack while teaching class how could
you manage it ? The question shocked me and I wanted to leave the room. I wanted to cry but I tried not to. I told the employer that I'm
confident enough to teach despite having this ailment. I know that they wouldnt hire me so I did'nt expect them to call me back.
Some say that when a door closes a window opens or another door opens. I sometimes blame myself and god for having these ailment hut
I realized that having these ailment is not a disadvantage but a constant remembrance to keep pursuing your dreams and aspiration in life
despite having these ailment. It had taught me to persevere and to keep facing all odds. Now I'm studying at a prestigious graduate school
in Manila and hopefully I continue my PhD abroad and be a successful researcher and teach. I know that there will be a lot of life challenges
I will be facing. You are right on what you posted on your blog "God has a plan or a reason for everything" There are also others experiences
that I went through but I think that experience has taught me a lot.
My inspiration is Mr. Cohen in the film "In front of the Class" My experience is similar to him. He is a teacher with a tourette syndrome.
Pls watch the movie. It has taught me to believe in my capabilities despite having an ailment like him
I hope that you read these comment thanks a lot and remember to keep dreaming and believed in your self (",)
@ldvitug twitter
Hi Bianca! Please keep your blog positive please? Please let it stay the way it is? I love it kasi eh. =) Anyway, my grown up story is not actually a very big deal. I'm a little insecure because people commented like tons of good life stories and I felt obligated I should offer something similar. But here's what I got. Wag kayong tatawa ha? Magpromise ka! Nagpromise ka ba? sabihin mo muna promise! ...Ok... sige.
I quit facebook a year ago. Oh wag kang ngumiti dyan. I know its shallow and very pale in comparison with the others. But back then, Facebook was almost taking all of my spare time. I had to invite all my friends, had to comment and like everything and had to join all the games. It's like the only life I led was my cyberlife. And people know everything. It's so maliciously public. One move and people will react. It's turned to a point when I felt violated and I had to cut it out of my life. I became so hooked that it got harder to leave it. eventually, after a while, all the chismis about me in facebook died away and I lead back to normal. That was the birth of my blog, and that was when I met superbianca. Now, I keep on reading people from your blog and surround myself with positive influences and its a very refreshing feeling. I learned na hindi porke uso, tama sa yo. May mga bagay na mayroon ang lahat ng tao, makakabuting wala sa iyo. It wouldn't make you different, it would just make you unique, your way.
Well, Happy Anniversary Super Bianca!
We grow up knowing about making one. Like when you had to give one of your favorite Barbie dolls to a little girl who always dreamed of having one or choosing what course to take when the idea of college suddenly waves at your face…or the moment when you’re heart could not take the pain anymore..You decide. Or leaving a company that for some time brought out your passion, made you happy, made you gain real friends. These decisions just made you strong and grow as a person.
I’ve worked for three years at Starbucks Coffee and honestly I was very hesitant to apply. It was actually the last on my list on where I should apply. I applied nonetheless, two months after I got the job. I enjoyed and loved every minute I spent during those shifts.
It was a battle between baristas and customers. It was a battle within me. There are times when I wanted to quit because physically speaking it drains my body but I had to fight with myself to continue my journey. I was still enjoying my life in the company, I still had a lot to learn, and I still had a lot to experience. I’ve experienced how it felt to be scolded by someone higher than you, I’ve experienced a customer complaining about how I didn’t get their coffee mixed right, I experienced how a customer misinterpreted your actions when you really didn’t do anything at all. I experienced handling a shift all alone and holding three or four baristas under my care. I was being a general to my privates and second in command against numerous enemies entering the battle field. I got my heart broken personally and professionally yet I faced each with my head held high.
During those times, I opened myself to the possibility of the impossibility when I shouldn’t. I opened my heart to someone I shouldn’t, I trusted someone only to realize that she would be the reason of a broken friendship. I made decisions that although it broke me, it also woke me up and tendered a new me.
Somehow in the course of my journey, I had some days when I had to reflect on what I wanted for myself. Of what I wanted to do out of life. A decision of quitting the company and continuing my studies made itself clear during the times when I got to reflect on life. You see, there came a time when I felt depressed of what’s going around me; heartbreak, financial instability, a career I know that is going nowhere that brought me to be a bit depressed and sad.
After 3 years and 8 months in the company I decided to stir my ship back to shore. Another journey is awaiting me and I can’t wait to start stirring my ship again.
hi bianca..reading your blog almost everyday inspires..keep it up super bianca! ^_^
I got inspired by this blog. So, I decided to write one. If you have time you can read it here: http://karlabythecity.tumblr.com/post/1191664937/me-vs-quarter-life-crisis#notes
I tell everyone that I grew up too early. I used to be in a rush to experience everything - vices, late nights, relationships - you name it, I've probably dabbled in it before I even turned 16. I was a rebel just so I can say I've done it and did not get in trouble for it. All of these "achievements," though, are just superficial. Yes, it did teach me to be a little more responsible, to be really street smart, but all of it is just a testament to how immature I've been in the past.
I think the time that I realized I was growing up happened two and a half years ago, when my then boyfriend decided to go abroad for work. We have been together for a little over two years by then after we have been set up by our common friends (They thought it would be funny to set us up because we have both been in unsuccessful relationships for years... Who knew we would work out?). I had a very stable job at the time, and he was also working in a good company... The reason he gave for wanting to work overseas was that he wanted to save up for the future. It would've been too assuming of me to think I was part of his "future" but he said so anyway. I wasn't going to stop him from something he really wants to do, so I agreed.
A day before he had to fly out, we had a serious one-to-one talk and he expressed how he didn't want to go and leave me. He asked me to fly out too, if I can. I couldn't give him an answer because it was something very serious. He was asking me to leave everything I know and love behind, without even the certainty of knowing that he and I would really be together.
So, he left. I stayed. I kept working, and maintaining a long distance relationship with him. During that time, I had decided to go and get my passport, and 2 weeks after he left, I got it. Halfheartedly, I tried applying for a job online. Three weeks later, the company has already sent my contract and is already asking me when I could fly out. Everything was happening so fast. I kept on thinking about what he had asked before he left. I was on the fence about the idea - on one hand, it was an opportunity for me to grow and I would get to be with him; on the other hand, he's just my boyfriend. Do I really want to give everything up for one guy? I'm not even sure if he's going to marry me. I've made stupid decisions because of a boy before, I should be wiser now, right?
In the end, I decided to take the leap. Three months after he left, I followed. Seeing him then had just affirmed my decision. I will not say that everything has been peachy since then because that would just be a lie. Two and a half years have already passed since then. We've been through so many good times, so many arguments, dates, fights, and blow-ups. We know each other so well now that we could finish each other's sentences, give an answer before the other even asks the qestion. It's cheesy, I know, but that's how we are. We were pretty much an old, married couple - at the ages of 24 (me) and 26 (him).
Four months ago, that's exactly what we did. We got married. It was a very fitting conclusion to our four and a half years of adventure, and a very good beginning to our life together.
hi ate bianca (if i may call you :?) hmm this has been my share and i wanted people to learn from it. i know its a bit late but atleast youve read my thoughts:)
unlock the dreams..
i think people should move on with their lives, because im not in my last few .. or in my existence in this world. all my life ive been living in this dream of mine as how i wanted my life to be. ive been living on how things i hope shouldve happen, if im not, im stuck with beautiful things happened to me in the past and barely moved on with it, even when theyve already moved away from me. [sigh] its hard to hold on to things that wasnt in your grasp anymore. and then ive come to realize it wasnt the reality anymore.and that was my biggest mistake. im stuck with my beautiful dreams and became blinded by it. i never saw or face the reality anymore. and when i finally see the world as it happens around me, natakot ako. i was already far from my path and i was behind. ive realized that those hopes i have in my mind werent true and that keeps me holding on the ground and didnt take another step anymore. luckily out of nowhere in time i didnt thought i would woke up. nagising ako. i realized that if i wanted to go through with my life, i have to push through with it. move on with my life and stretch out my extremities, let go. its easy to say but i guess its hard to moved on and live with the capabilities i have, somehow theres someone you have to pass through to be able to survive or prove yourself for yourself. but i will do it and i hope i wasnt too late for that.
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