random weekend of FUN!!!!
for many, many weeks now, i've really been wanting to go to hong kong for the weekend. plans always never pushed through cause my friends were busy at work, or work came up for me. finally, last week, i decided to just go for it and go on my own! thanks to technology, and thanks to twitter, i found out that my super fabulous friend liz was also planning to go to hong kong, so.. we just decided to go together! :) two of our other fabulous friends, robby and tim heard about the trip and got inggit, so they joined too! super random!!!! super fun!!!!

it was so random because liz and i are friends, but we really only see each other when we go out at night! tim and liz are close, tim and robby are close, and both liz and i are friends with robby but again, we only see each other out! it was so random and really, sometimes those are the best plans.. no plans!!!! i made like a travel agent and booked all our flights, liz booked our hotel, and we all just were game face for the last weekend of the hong kong sale!

hong kong is really a shopping mecca and you can really buy everything from high end to bargain finds, from outfits to little memorabilias. it was so perfect because for this trip, liz and i had only one main itinerary in mind.. shooooooooes!!!! we walked and train-d from area to area in search of the most beautiful shoes on their final sale price, and i have to say, we were super successful!!!! this photo above is liz's super fierce alaia shoe that we both fell in love with and both agreed she musssst have! robby and tim also had amazing finds and we all can't wait to "launch" them here in manila! :p

aside from shopping, a hong kong trip would not be complete without the nightlife!!!! lucky me, because liz, tim, and robby have many hong kong based friends, and i always love meeting new friends! :) i met ruslan the russian stylist, francis the pr manager, jane the brand manager, and kay li the fierce socialite! that night was the perfect night to go out too because it was the closing night of m1nt, so the place was super packed, everyone was all out dancing, and though the music wasn't that great (manila djs rock! :p) we had so much fun!!!!

the trip was sooo much fun!!!! although i don't have photos of all the food we ate, we did eat a loooot! our first lunch when we landed, we were eating for four hours! hahahhaa! every single meal we'd say, "o, we won't eat so much na, we'll order just right." but every single meal, we end up stuffing ourselves! how could we not?! all the yummy goose and dimsum!!!! it was a super fun weekend of shopping and eating! really, sometimes you have the most fun when you just go with the flow of where random plans take you!

i'll see you soon, hong kong! ♥
Oh well, I see. gladly you came up with it and I wish I can go overseas anytime I want like you do all the time. Nice times with you there.
Hi Bianca! Finally the HK weekend u deserve! :D
I'm happy that you still continue to blog about personal stuff despite the busy sked. I've been reading your blog since 2005 and it's really nice to re-read how you grew up as a very good host. Keep it up! :D
Very true! Your experience is one big proof that randomness is a gift! :)
yay! sabi nga nila "buti pa ang mga lakad na hindi planned eh natutuloy" hahahah...!!!!
you guys obviously had so much fun... love reading your blog...
You certainly deserved Hong Kong for your weekend. And it shows that you enjoyed it!!
I wanna go to Hong Kong too now =D HAHA.
By the way, great blog!!! I'm here everyday!
Hi, Ms. Bianca. Pupunta rin kami sa HK this October. Medyo matagal pa kasi we're kinda busy because of work. Gusto sana naming magkaroon ng itenerary kaya po if it's ok, kindly suggest naman po ng mga lugar sa HK na magandang bisitahin.
Thanks a lot.
By the way, I love reading your blogs. Kasi sobrang totoo and I know na it's from the heart.
I love love love hong kong too. The shopping is great oh and the food there always makes me say goodbye to diets!
so miss Hong Kong shopping ^_^
nice blog bianca ..my first visit ..just randomly checked your tweets and saw the link hehe
fun read!
love the shoes! :) sana ganyan lang din kadali for me to go out of the country. haha! take care bianca! :)
nice blog! more updates please :)
i would totally agree that being random and impulsive has its perks! the shrill thrill of the unknown and voila you get the most fun out of it. im sure you definitely had. :)
I'm glad you had a good time.
What if Liz, Tim, and Robby were not there? Would you have had a good time still? Mahirap kaya mag-travel alone.
i so agree with that. :)
doing things unplanned are so worth it. :)
and it's super memorable and fun! :)
Random trips are fun...I was at Mint that night too...went off!
just my 2cents. for your travels, buy a really really good digital cam. para maganda din yung pagkadocument mo :)
Hi supergirl, You're really awesome! Super cool! Wahhh I am just amazed by your great character inside and out. Keep up, I keep on following you.,(No, not a stalker ew hahah), just a words from your super fan.,. hehehe
hello bianca...i always hoped to bump into you here in HK. I'd really love to meet you in person kasi and have a pic with you. hehehe. my brother works in Dragon-i (a bar very close to mInt) and i always told him to that if ever he sees you, buzz me and i'll rush over for a pic lang then alis na ko. hahaha. anyway, if fate allows, im sure im gonna bump into you someday. take care always! p.s. if you like peking duck and you haven't been to "spring deer", check it out. masarap peking duck nila dun. ;) xoxo bee
kakainggit kayo Bianca. I wish it would be that easy for my friends and I to go on a trip together. Super busy yung mga buddies ko eh... anyway, i love reading your blogs. more...more... hehe ,'-)
When you always plan and have lots of time for planning a trip, nauudlot minsan. Kaya more fun if there's a 'random trip' na natutuloy. :)
I'll try that, too.
Hi Bianca!
i don't know how else to start this message except to say that i've always looked up to you and you're one of the people on my list of role models. so naturally, i want to pick your brain. hehe. i have here some questions that i'd like to ask you and i hope you take the time to answer them. some are deep, others just random trivia. your most honest, truthful answers will be highly appreciated.
1. growing up, who were your role models?
2. what achievement are you most proud of?
3. how are you different from, say, 5 years ago?
4. what's your simplest pleasure? (definition of "simplest pleasure": something that doesn't cost a lot of money or time but makes you say "life is good!!!")
5. what motto do you live by?
6. if you had to write five life lessons, what would they be?
7. do you hate plane food like most people?
8. what's a typical breakfast for you?
9. when did you start getting into exercise and fitness? what motivated you?
10. what other things do you seriously want to try/do/explore?
bee from HK.
just wanted to let u know that you inspired me to blog ;) more power to you. :)
Hi Ms. Bianca! Check! The best plans are indeed the unplanned ones!:D
Ms. Bianca, YOU are making such a great deal of impact in the lives of people who look up to you (me included! :D) and in those who go through your blog pages. Thanks for being an inspiration in the many things you do and for simply being the very wonderful SUPERgirl you are! I'm inspired to be one heck of a super human too :D I am always (no, change that to forever) a fan! \m/
agreeee! randoms trips are the best! :P
Good times!
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