letting go.
have you ever had that feeling that things get a little too crazy, everywhere around you seems a little too noisy, so much so that you can hardly hear yourself think?
it has been wonderful to be able to get some quiet time even just for one day.
i realized one important thing, that we actually all know already, but just need to be reminded of..
whether it be material or emotional clutter, we gotta learn to let go. there are too many things in life that stress us out already - work, errands, duties, bills, traffic, issues among friends, relationship issues, family problems. there are many things in life we have no control of, so what we can control, we must.
let go of envy.
why does she have this and i don't?
why can't i go where they go?
why her and not me?
whatever it is you see in or with others that you wish you had, take comfort in the fact that you also have something that they do not have. you set of experiences, your struggles, the people who love you, no one else has that but YOU. let go of envy and take pride in the things you have that others do not.
let go of pretensions.
you're too shy to do this cause people might judge you.
you're afraid to talk to her because she might not like you.
you don't want to share your talent cause you might get embarrassed.
if you yourself hinder yourself, if you yourself stop yourself, if you yourself judge yourself, then what is left for you? how can you expect others to believe in you if you don't believe in yourself? nobody is perfect. stop worrying about what others might think and go for it. you are the only one getting in your own way.
let go of closed-mindedness.
each and every one of us are different. we have different ideas, values, opinions, likes, dislikes, and biases. you cannot force your beliefs on anyone. if you are going to stress yourself because others do not share your thoughts, then you will be stressed forever. avoid thinking that your way is the only right way. learn more and be happy with your life by being open to how different people think.
again, these are things we all know already.. but sometimes, with all the distractions around us, we tend to hold on to these unnecessary things that hinder our happiness and peace of mind.
and we all want happiness and peace of mind, don't we? :)

Thanks, I needed this! Its been a long time since I blogged too. Looking forward for more posts from you! :)
Inspired :)
we may not know each other yet you always keeping alive my dead spirit with your encouraging and inspiring thoughts through your.blog.
thank you ms.bee:-)
I am so inspired reading this. And I'm gonna give my best in letting go the bad chakras in my entire life. Thank you thank very very much. :')
Very true. I really admire u for having not only beauty but brains too:) god bless.
Thank you for this lovely message!
So inspired about this miss bianca.
nice to see a post from you after a long hiatus.:)
continue inspiring more people.
if you yourself hinder yourself, if you yourself stop yourself, if you yourself judge yourself, then what is left for you? -tinamaan ako with this line. . .a great,timely blog post. -diane
hi bianca! it's refreshing. i read something worth reading today. thank you for inspiring me. ^^
Very true, we already know these. Sometimes we need to be reminded though, Thank you! Happy Easter!
It's nice that you blogged again. Been waiting for a new post for months! Thank you. :)
just like the coaches say in The Voice .. this blog post "blew me away!" So inspiring! Continue to be awesome Bianca! :)
So true! Thanks for being an inspiration through your writings. I will now let go, and let God :)
Wow! Very inspiring. Thanks for the post Bianca! =)
a woman who's blessed with such wisdom. It was an encouraging blog Ms. Bianca and somehow there was a hit for sure in everyone's lives (including me :) ). May God continually use you and your talent. Being humble and having a big heart. I love it!:) God bless you even more. :)
I really need this now.. same as with everybody. Thanks for always being so inspiring, bianca. Your words really provide comfort. :)
very inspiring :-) keep on blogging.
inspirational :)
Wow that's inspiring :) Letting go is one of my realizations as well (the other one is about making my life worth His sacrifice). But seeing your post made me think that I haven't really reflected on it deep enough. Thank you!
Love this post. Got some clarity on some of my personal issues as well.thank you.
It took me a while to find the meaning of letting go after a heartbreak. Most especially letting go of envy of why her and not me. Thank you for reminding me of my worth.
Very inspiring indeed. ^_^
Thank you, Bianca. This post is so timely, especially the "Let go of envy" part. God bless you.
Thank you for the post Bianca! Keep up the good work! Keep us inspired with your works!
thank you so much for sharing this! we all need to be reminded of this. thanks again ms bianca! =)
Easy for you to say...
Easy for Bianca to say this!
You're Bianca!
But then again, you're still one of us, so I wanna thank you for posting this....
I hope I can attend one of your fans day...
wow. nice read.
thank you for this. i needed this.
thank God I read your entry, it helps me appreciate more of my life. keep blogging! i love your blog since my college days! =)
reading this blog encouraged me to let go of my clutter . thanks for posting & giving inspiration to many.
it should have been this way. as a person who believes positivite, I always admire people are in to it.
wow! magppost palang sana ako sa draft ko about LETTING GO...and now im here speechless with your blog. keep it up! :)
Thank you Bianca! I've been waiting for your blog update for a while now, and it's worth the wait..hehe, thank you for the inspiring thoughts! God bless always and keep on smiling..:)
The words I need now and the thing I need to do now. Thank you. Your new post is worth the wait. You're right, this is one thing we already know that we should do but cannot, because of some distractions. One of my favorite posts. Keep inspiring. Keep blogging. :)
To my humble opinion, you're one of the most beautiful people I know, inside and out. I always visit your blog every time I crash-net. I have read your article you've written in Esquire and I just smiled the whole way through. You're a born writer and a born stunner. Thanks for the inspiration. By the way, I am an open gay but I love you.
This just made my day. I needed this :') Thank you ate Bianca
Thank you for sharing this inspirational words of yours :)) I'm so inspired by it. Great job!
you will be helped :) hope you're doing fine now.
spot on. thank you :)
been waiting for your new post for months and this post worth the wait =)
Ms. Bianca, pusher ka ba? kc you always push us to be a better person like you... keep on inspiring others =)
i am truly inspired to get a clutter-free life. thanks for reminding!
I wanted to quote you in FB but the lines couldn't be copied.
Such a wonderful post. :)
very inspiring ms. b ^_^
hi ms. bianca. thanks for sharing this wonderful thought. just what i needed the most. i just got so disappointed with myself lately. thank you for reminding to let go of these distractions in our lives. now, im ready to face myself and everybody else with a renewed spirit. more power to you! =)))
You really are a good model. I look up on you.
wow! i'm so inspired and i wanna share this post to others, too! you're very smart super B!
Ang galing miss bianca.. Wake up call to saken
thank you. very enlightening. =)
Hello Bianca!
Wow! This is just what I need. Tamaaa!! Let it go!! Let go and let God! :)
Your words inspire me. Keep it up! :)
How are you, Bianca, my old friend in the blogosphere? How has life been treating you? It's wonderful that you have been able to keep your blog updated. I have mine semi-abandoned but I hope to write again soon.
Take care!
Thanks for inspiring us!::)..i' should let go the clutter in my life!:)
this one is really inspiring..if you yourself hinder yourself, if you yourself stop yourself, if you yourself judge yourself, then what is left for you?--favorite quote.!! keep on inspiring ms. bianca!
This is so inspiring! I felt the "Let go of pretensions" speak to me, 'cause I'm not like that! I'm too shy. Please keep blogging :)
I have a feeling you are a kind showbiz person ! And I Love Your Eyes
I love your blogs !!Please follow my blogs guys!! Thanks! http://meandmycutelittleangels.blogspot.com/
Thanks very inspiring..:)
Hi ... I saw you linked to a blog I just visited (Old Manila Pics). Your takes on "Letting Go" are really sensible ... 'just want you to know. Thanks for sharing.
"the colour of melody"
Very timely! After reading, I was able to check myself. Haha
Wow, I love this entry. Very inspiring. :)
I hope you can visit my blog. :)
thanks for the post, I feel this way right now. it was such a good reflection on my part. keep on uplifting everyone else with your wisdom. god bless.
you are like that ms bianca..and that is why i idolized you..because you're true to yourself.. :)
Your post is just one of the many other messages that God seems to be sending me recently. I shouldn't let my fears and insecurities hold me back anymore.
Thank you!
Nice :) "the art of letting go "
helped me to realize certain stuffs
Now, I'm a fan! :D
Godbless you and continue to inspire people! :)
Godbless you and continue to inspire people :D
You're really someone to look up to. Keep on inspiring people! Godspeed, idol! :)
Thank you Bianca :)
Thank you Bianca.
the BEST thing to do when everything is just too complicated and confusing, not to mention painful. :) inspiring post.
I miss reading your blogs, so I visited it and read again your recent posts. Thank you for this post that will always serve as a reminder for us. This is the blog post I will always need whenever I feel down. Keep inspiring us B. :)
Thank you bianca! :)
thanks for this miss bianca... following you makes me feel better
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